Baby & Pre-school

How to Know if Now is a Good Time to Start a Family?

Deciding to bring a child into your family is a big decision that involves multiple different factors to keep in mind. Read more to look at how you can be better prepared before you decide to bring a baby into your world as a new addition to your family. 

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Autism: Early Signs

Autism is a developmental disability which affects a person's ability to communicate and interact with others successfully. The signs of autism can be detected even as early as nine months of age. Stay informed about the early signs of autism.

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Helping your Child Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is important at every age, especially in the early years of life because that's when habits are formed!

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Choosing A Creche

Choosing a crèche indeed does merit consideration and thought because it is most often the first environment that will replace the security of home for your child. There are a lot of fears, anxieties and apprehensions about leaving your little one in the hands of someone else. This article describes some guidelines on how to choose a crèche.

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Adopting a Child - The Early Days

After months of waiting and completing a mountain of paper work, your baby is finally with you. The responsibility that comes with adoption is no different from that of a biological child, but it may feel a bit strange because the child is not biologically yours. Don't worry. Research shows that adoptive families form bonds as easily as biological families. It may just require a different kind of preparation.

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Getting Back to Work After Having a Baby

Research suggests that resuming work after maternity leave brings along mixed feelings for most women. Whatever be the reason for you to decide to get back to full-time work - whether it is to get away from the boredom of changing diapers, for personal growth or for economic reasons, leaving behind your little one does pull at one's heartstrings! To make matters worse, these emotional struggles are often heightened by the hormonal changes after delivery.

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Raising Twins

Raising twins brings in a lot of excitement and anxiety to the parents concerned. Alhthough challenging at times, it brings great joy to watch two children grow simultaneously. It is is more than double the work. It takes some time to figure out how to manage all the demands, logistics and emotions that make up the twin life. Each new stage presents new challenges, but it is also amazing how twin parents (and other multiple parents) are able to overcome each hurdle.

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Bonding with Your New Baby

"I feel like I went through 9 long months, of eagerness and excitement to see my baby, the pain of delivery and now I'm not even able to enjoy my own child because I hardly ever see her. I feel like I'm hardly even a mother." Do you also feel the same? Find out the ways that might be just for you to enjoy motherhood in the best possible way.

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Toilet Training

Toilet training is a topic that stirs up varying emotions in parents. In some homes, this happens almost uneventfully and in others, it can create major power struggles between parents and children, causing a lot of frustration for both.

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Temper Tantrums

If you are the parent of a young child, particularly between the ages of 2 and 4, you don't need anyone to tell you what a temper tantrum is. You would most probably be familiar with scenes of crying, screaming, stamping, kicking, jumping up and down, hitting.

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