Wedding Bells or Warning Bells?

relationship Love Premarital Couples women family friends

People feel anxious when it comes to getting married. Tying the knot, envisioning a new stage of life with another person can make both men and women feel tense and get ?cold feet' prior to the wedding. How do you handle this?




Wine or alcohol is not the problem at all . Stupid people who are addicted to alcohol abuse it and drink the entire bottle and causes all the problems and spoil their health . So the rule is 'Too much is too bad '


Wine may not improve Hearth Health alone as some positives are given in article and No negatives are mentioned and it can be concluded that it does not cause any damage to hearth. May studies have shown that fried, salty and spicy snacks eaten along with alcohol are major culprits for spoiling cardiovascular health and BMI. This article does not add any value.