Career Concerns

Performance appraisal

Performance appraisals are never the best time of the year. Often we only get a glimpse into one side of the story - either the manager's or the employee's side. This article gives you a glimpse into the side that you do not know about.

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Fear of Speaking in Public

Do you dread having to do a formal presentation? Does the thought of speaking in meetings make you nervous? You are not alone! More than 80% of the population feels anxious when they speak to an audience. 

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Previously, the norm was that you had a job for life. Today we are in the transitory phase with global transformations and economic fluctuations requiring speedy adjustments. Most businesses today must continually make changes to remain competitive. Downsizings are almost routine and being laid off does not have to reduce your employability -- unless you let it.

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Transition from College to the Corporate World

People join work thinking life in the corporate will be similar to the life in a college and the same rules apply. However that is not the case. As a business school graduate said, "The real world is a big change, more than you can ever imagine when you are sitting in the classroom thinking about the outside world!"

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Preparing for Retirement

Retirement is often considered a rite of passage... as inevitable as the birthdays that signal its oncoming. Although some of us do dread not having office to go to and nothing to look forward to, no break in the monotony - for many retirement is something to look forward to - a time when, as Khalil Gibran puts it, time is no longer money and hence we can spend it as we like!

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What to do When You Make a Mistake at Work

Imagine forgetting an important deadline or discovering that your coding was all wrong or that the financials that you presented to your boss were miscalculated? Did you feel mortified or freeze with fear, not knowing what to do next? All of us make mistakes whether it is in the personal realm or the professional one. Here are a few tips to help you with damage control and bounce back at work.

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