SELF HELP RESOURCE - Parenting / Teens and Youth


Boys do not have an obvious milestone in their sexual development as girls do, and parents sometimes think they can get away without many explanations! But boys too are concerned about the changes in their bodies and need accurate information from parents. Tell your son about the changes he can expect.

Body Size and Proportions
For boys, the greatest increase in height comes after the onset of puberty. After that the growth slows down and stops by the age of 20 or 21. Shoulders become wider than hips. Arms and legs are disproportionately long and nose, feet and hands may appear too big. During this time they may look awkward and gangly. Muscles increase in size and strength. By the end of puberty, boys are stronger than girls are.

Primary Sexual characteristics
The organs involved in reproduction enlarge and mature. The testes grow rapidly (about a year before the growth spurt). After this the penis begins to grow - first in length, followed by a gradual increase in circumference. About a year after the penis begins to grow, boys become able to ejaculate semen.

The first ejaculation often occurs spontaneously during sleep and is called a nocturnal emission. Boys must be prepared for this. They are often confused and bewildered and may be too embarrassed to ask anyone. Some boys think they have urinated in bed!

Secondary Sexual Characteristics
Hair: Pubic hair appears about a year after testes and penis have started to increase in size. Underarm and facial hair appears when pubic hair has almost completed growth.

Skin: becomes coarser and pores enlarge. The sebaceous (oil producing) glands enlarge and become active, so skin is oily and acne (pimples) may become a problem. Apocrine glands in the armpits start to function and perspiration (and body odour) increases. Impress upon your son the need for good personal hygiene.

Voice: The voice changes begin after pubic hair has appeared. The voice first becomes husky, then deeper and increases in volume. Voice breaks are common (and embarrassing!).

Breasts: Slight knobs around the breasts appear between the ages of 12 and 14. These last for several weeks and then disappear. Reassure your son that this is normal and temporary, even if he doesn't ask.

Boys become self-conscious and worry if they develop at a different rate from their peers-and especially if they're slow to mature and their friends seem much more grown up. Listen with understanding to his worries and concerns and reassure your son that there is a wide range in the age of maturing and that he is "normal".


Latest Comments

1TO1PH on 11 Jun 2019, 13:55 PM

Helpful !

ChaitraReddy on 09 Mar 2016, 13:35 PM

Yes very good article and comments, we are here to work and earn livings. Thank You.

nelseq on 12 Jan 2016, 09:56 AM

good article but the example you gave about the confidante was confusion. Even if i am going thru a divorce how should i stop my promotion. It my personal life?

Pandari on 06 Aug 2015, 09:22 AM


mint291 on 29 Jul 2015, 15:03 PM

good article,,,,,,,,,

Sanobia on 20 Jul 2015, 15:38 PM

Quite justified end we are here to work and earn livings...cuties :)

Sanjay.sky87 on 13 Jul 2015, 09:02 AM

Nice Article. A must read for everyone.

rakeshambati on 08 Jul 2015, 09:01 AM

' Your first priority is to get the job done even if it means that you might upset your friend at work' . Good one

gallysundar on 25 Nov 2014, 14:07 PM

nice one

debus75 on 03 Nov 2014, 14:32 PM

Excellent Article...a must for all middle management team leaders