SELF HELP RESOURCE - Wellness / Fitness and Weight Management


Need a reason to work out? Here are 8:

Research has confirmed that any amount of exercise, at any age, is beneficial. It is recommended that everyone should attempt for a total of half-an-hour to one-hour-per-day of physical activity. The hour can be split into several short bursts of activity (it can be walking, gardening, even heavy house cleaning) done throughout the day. Exercise can help to prevent or improve these conditions:


1. Heart Disease:

Regular physical activity strengthens your heart, improves good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure. It reduces the risk of stroke and heart diseases. 

2. Obesity:

Physical activity helps in weight loss. It builds lean muscle and reduces body fat, thus improving your body’s ability to burn calories.

3. Type II Diabetes:

Physical activity helps to lower the blood sugar levels and increases the effectiveness of insulin in the body. The Harvard School of Public Health found that a brisk walk for one hour daily could reduce the risk of type II diabetes by 34%.

4. Osteoporosis:

Weight bearing exercise such as walking or weight lifting strengthens bones which help to prevent osteoporosis. 

5. Cancer:

Several studies have shown that regular physical activity reduces the risk of lung, colon and breast cancer. 

6. Back Pain:

A fitness program which includes muscle strengthening and flexibility helps to manage or prevent back pain. 

7. Improves mood:

The body releases brain chemicals called endorphins while exercising which improves your mood and makes you more relaxed. 

8. Sleep pattern:

Exercising helps you to fall asleep faster and improves your sleeping pattern. As exercise causes an increase in your body’s energy, it can keep you awake if you exercise late in the day or at night.  

Some simple techniques to increase the daily activity levels:

While 30-45 minutes of rigorous exercise most days of the week is required, some of the following techniques could add a little more activity in our sedentary lifestyles.

• If you always take the elevator or escalator, try the stairs.

• If you try to park next to the door of wherever you're going, park farther away and walk.

• If your habit is to eat at your desk, take a 10 to 20-minute walk first, then have your lunch (or take a walk after you eat).

• Instead of sending an email / calling up your colleague across the floor, walk up and deliver the message in person.

• Instead of watching TV or staying indoors with the various chores all day Saturday and Sunday, plan active weekends. Go to the park, walk your dog or take up swimming or actively playing with the children are great ways of exercising. And if you are even more enthusiastic, take up a sport that you like.


Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.


Latest Comments

avneetkc on 23 Nov 2020, 16:54 PM

Although we live in the 21st century, sex-education is something that is still lacking in India, and most other countries. When the reliable sources fail to communicate their message, teenagers turn to unreliable sources such their peers or the internet for knowledge about the same. The same way, if the parents talk to their children about puberty and secondary sexual changes in an open, non-tabooed manner, it would go a long way in helping their teens understand and accept the changes that they would be eventually going through.
- Avneet Kaur

kumarvineet83 on 22 Aug 2019, 17:10 PM

I believe it can be done by any of the parents or both together, all that matters is the comfort level between u and ur Kids. how openly u talk and address the issue.

sophiaa on 13 May 2015, 10:02 AM

I need to talk to my 12 year old son about sex. How do I do it. Is it best done by the father or mother?