Let's Address
The Elephant In The Room

A campaign by 1to1help on the occasion of World Mental Health Day.

Explore our resources

Welcome Change

Be a part of the changing narrative of emotional wellness. Here's how you can do that.


Get Insights

Get to know your emotions better. Identify your emotional awareness level.
Click here

Witness Growth

How does emotional wellness impact your holistic well-being? Let their journey show you.

How you can take part

Here's how you can contribute to this campaign.

  • Participate: Participate in the campaign and encourage your colleagues to do the same.

  • Voice it out: Add your voice to ours, share how you address the elephant in the room by prioritizing your emotional wellness and tag us on social media.

  • Share and care: Educate and empower your near and dear ones by sharing our resources.

What is this campaign about

Even though topics such as "mental health", "emotional well-being" have become part of mainstream discussions these days. However, as a society, we are yet to prioritise them. To do so, we need a tremendous change in our attitudes and mindsets. It seems that though we have recognised the "elephant in the room", we haven't managed to address it.

Created by experts, our campaign addresses this gap and explores ways to address, appreciate and enhance our mental and emotional well-being to help us lead vibrant lives.

Why this campaign