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The Importance of Making Wills

A person can ensure that his/her wishes with respect to assets and property are followed after his death only if he makes a Will during his lifetime. Would you like to distribute your property to the person of your choice or just let it create tension and trouble among your loved ones? In the present scenario, where the courts are filled with petitions on property disputes giving rise to long drawn legal battles, it is very important for every individual to execute a will during his or her life time, to avoid any kind of ambiguity and to rightfully leave their assets and wealth to whoever he/she chooses to.

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Managing Dual Incomes

In most families these days, it becomes necessary for both partners to work outside the home. Especially given the current market scenario and job uncertainty, an extra source of income is always welcome. However, having two earning members in the family comes with its own challenges. Let's see what they are...

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