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Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease occurs when your arteries (the arteries which supply blood to the heart) become narrowed by a gradual build up of fatty deposits within their walls.

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Fiber and its importance in our body

Fiber is the part of plant-based foods that our bodies cannot digest fully. It passes through our digestive tract without providing nutrition or calories, and yet it is very healthy for us.

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Post partum blues

As many as 80% of new mothers experience a case of ?baby blues'.It is a common phenomenon that is generally classified as a temporary state of heightened emotionality. It is also called ?post-partum blues', a word which literally translates into ?after-delivery'. Postpartum blues last anywhere between a few days up to several weeks post delivery.

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Setting Goals for Yourself

Do you find yourself wanting to achieve things but never getting down to doing it, making resolutions that never seem to materialize? Whether you are thinking about losing weight, spending more time with your family or quitting smoking; if you want to succeed, you need to set goals.

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First Day of School

Time flew by and none of us realized how fast they had grown up. We stand there wondering what it will be like, for them and for us. Will they refuse? Will there be unbearable cries and pleas to be taken back home? Or worse, will they walk on and not look back? The first day of school breeds anxiety, and tensions rise high as both parents and child wonder what is going to happen next.

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When Travel Keeps You Apart

When people decide to get married they also prepare themselves for the challenges of physical distance that may come along. For example, a business trip, relocation, higher education, or attending to an elderly family member. During the separation period, your trust, patience and commitment is brought to test. However, there are ways to ease the impact of the distance.

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Space In A Relationship

Couples need to spend quality time together as it helps enhance their emotional bond. But it is equally true that partners in a relationship require their individual space. By giving each other space and nurturing your own individuality, the intimacy that you share with your partner would be much deeper when you come together. 

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Rebuilding Trust In Marriage

Trust is one of the basic ingredients for a good marriage. It is something that can be built up through careful nurturing and effort. But once broken, it is hard to restore. Couples can rebuild trust if both are willing to put time and effort into the process.

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Choosing a life partner

Whether you plan to have an "arranged marriage" or to marry the person of your own choice, it is important to think whether both of you are compatible. Choosing a partner is definitely more difficult and serious than choosing a car or a shirt. Hence, how to make sure of your choice of partner?

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When Couples Fight

All couples fight. If you hear someone saying they never fight, check out if they ever talk! Here are some tips on how to fight so that you both come out winners.

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Total 10 Pages, Total 95 records