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Bonding with Your Baby

Bonding is a special attachment that develops between a parent and a child. For some it develops even before the baby is born, when they see the baby during ultrasounds or while feeling the kicks in their womb whereas for others it may take a while before the attachment becomes really deep. Learn the ways in which you can bond with your little bundle of joy!

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Juggling office and Breastfeeding

As a working mother you may be concerned about managing your new born and your career, while many women have coped with these challenges in their own way, no one approach suits everyone.

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Worried About Low Milk Supply?

It is common for new mothers to wonder whether their breastfed baby is getting enough milk. Since breastmilk cannot be measured like formula, it is hard to know how much baby is taking in at each feed. Here are answers to common worries mothers have about their supply of breastmilk.

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How to Establish Your Milk Supply

As a new mother, one of your main priorities in the first six months of your baby's life is to feed, feed, feed! Here's how to successfully establish your milk supply to ensure that your baby gets the nourishment he/she needs.

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Galactogogues - Helping you feed your baby better!

Galactogogues are foods which are believed to help in increasing milk production during lactation. Use of these foods has been in our culture since ancient times.

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Breastfeeding - Joys and Challenges

Parenting a newborn comes with its share of challenges, not the least of which is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has a huge number of benefits and every mother wants the best for her baby. Some mothers find breastfeeding a breeze, while some find themselves faced with one or more lactation issues.

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