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Understanding Child Sexual Abuse

The topic of child sexual abuse (CSA) has been brought to our attention. Though the known incidents of CSA seem to be on the rise, fortunately, the resources to deal with it have increased as well. New curriculum has been introduced into schools to build awareness, and school safety measures have been expanded to create a safer environment for children. For the individual who is a survivor of CSA, there is psychological counseling and plenty of information available to equip a person to make sense of and deal with the long-term effects of their experience.

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Helping your Child Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is important at every age, especially in the early years of life because that's when habits are formed!

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Can children be praised too much?

We all understand that praise does encourage and sometimes motivate a person to do better. Books and articles on parenting talk about the benefits of praise, but is there a problem with too much praise? Does excessive praise affect a child's behaviour and emotional growth? What does too much praise do to a child?

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Parents Being Friends

Parenting could be a tight rope between being parents and friends of our children. Should I be a friend? Will I lose control? Will my kids take advantage of me if I get too close??

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Helping Children with Homework

Homework is a chore not just for children, but also for parents, especially in the Indian context of education. In the emerging nuclear and double income family set-up, with multiple things vying for attention, the challenges of finding time for the children's homework and project work are even more. While earlier, in a joint family there would always be some uncle, aunt or cousin in the family who was proficient enough in science, math or languages to pitch in with your kids, now we have to find time to do it ourselves or arrange for tuition. In fact there are some children who go to tuition only to deal with their homework! This is actually counterproductive because the purpose of homework is lost.

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Are you a Helicopter Parent?

A "helicopter parent" is a common term used to describe a parent who pays extremely close attention to a child's or children's experiences and problems. Like helicopters, they hover overhead!" The helicopter parent's involvement can extend to their children's academics, extra-curricular activities, the kind of friends they have, sports and every other activity in their lives.

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Getting Back to Work after Maternity Leave

Resuming work after maternity leave can be a stressful and challenging time. We have tried to put together a list of things to do to make the transition back to work as smooth as possible.

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Easing Your Child's Separation Anxiety When Going Back to Work

When you leave your baby with someone else, he may scream, cry and cling on to you, throw tantrums or refuse to go to others. It can be a stressful and unsettling time for you as well as your child. Understanding what your child is going through and having a few coping strategies can help you deal with this in a healthy way and get through it.

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Pregnancy and the Working Woman

Working women who find they are pregnant are suddenly faced with the difficult decision of what to do about work? This article is intended to help you through some of the questions on your mind.

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A.I.D.S : How do we protect ourselves?

How do we protect ourselves against the HIV / AIDS virus? To answer this we need to first understand how this virus is contracted. This will help us take the necessary precautions and protective measures.

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Total 8 Pages, Total 79 records