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What assertiveness is

Some of us have been told that we need to be more assertive, yet we wonder if that is really something that we want for ourselves. There is a tendency to confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness - a quality that is not desirable in healthy relationships. This article should help clarify the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour.

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6 Ways to Be There For Your Support System

Support systems are what keep us motivated and going in times of difficulties. These support systems could include our friends, family, colleagues, partners, neighbors or acquaintances. If we want our relationships with friends and family to be ever so refreshing and young, we need to replenish our support systems

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3 Steps to Connect With Your Child

Communicating with children is not just one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences for both parent and child, but it also plays a major role in developing the personality of your child. This article will to help you learn certain communication tips that could enhance your relationship with your child.


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Networking - An Essential Skill for Women

Why Network? Various studies indicate that in order to be successful, whether it is working for a company or managing one's own business, the ability to develop relationships across gender, race, and economic class does determine an individual's success, both professionally and personally.

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What assertiveness is

Some of us have been told that we need to be more assertive, yet we wonder if that is really something that we want for ourselves. There is a tendency to confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness - a quality that is not desirable in healthy relationships. This article should help clarify the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour.

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When your friend is in trouble

We often don't know what exactly to do when our friend is facing a difficulty. We're afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing, which might make the situation worse. We sometimes even avoid meeting someone simply because we're feeling awkward. Here are some things you can think about to help your friend...

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Coping with Emotions at Work

We all have moments when our emotions get the better of us. Not surprising, considering the fact that we face stressors at the workplace that include budget cuts, layoffs, deadlines, irate customers or an unreasonable boss maybe. Of course when things are going well,  work is a breeze but it is when things get rough that negative emotions come into play.

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