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Signs of an unhealthy relationship

A happy and balanced relationship involves a great amount of mutual respect, openness, accountability and genuine appreciation for each another. This article will help you find out what can lead to an unhealthy relationship or identify those signs before it happens to you as well.

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How much should I give in?

A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece. We often we do not think about the long term impact of doing so. This article would help recognize the true meaning, need and importance of compromising in relationships.

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When Travel Keeps You Apart

When people decide to get married they also prepare themselves for the challenges of physical distance that may come along. For example, a business trip, relocation, higher education, or attending to an elderly family member. During the separation period, your trust, patience and commitment is brought to test. However, there are ways to ease the impact of the distance.

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Surviving a break-up

When a close relationship breaks up it can be devastating. This is true even if you are the one who initiated the break up, but all the more if you wanted the relationship to continue. You may be quite unprepared for the impact it has on you. This article discusses ways to cope with the distress.

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Space In A Relationship

Couples need to spend quality time together as it helps enhance their emotional bond. But it is equally true that partners in a relationship require their individual space. By giving each other space and nurturing your own individuality, the intimacy that you share with your partner would be much deeper when you come together. 

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Rebuilding Trust In Marriage

Trust is one of the basic ingredients for a good marriage. It is something that can be built up through careful nurturing and effort. But once broken, it is hard to restore. Couples can rebuild trust if both are willing to put time and effort into the process.

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Finances in Marriage

With double-income families, not only has the money and the bargaining power increased, but also the number of conflicts over this. Find out some easy tips to keep those arguments and fights at bay and enjoy happy moments with your spouse.

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Infidelity: What it does to your Marriage

There was a time when people were shocked at the idea of an extra-marital affair. But now, even in India, these ‘casual affairs' are much more commonplace and almost acceptable. But are these affairs to be taken so casually? 

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Dual Career Couples

Dual Career couples face numerous challenges as they try to balance work with their marital responsibilities. Both husband and wife seek steady professional growth; personal satisfaction related to their individual goals; as well as financial satisfaction. This may not be as easy as it sounds. 

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Choosing a life partner

Whether you plan to have an "arranged marriage" or to marry the person of your own choice, it is important to think whether both of you are compatible. Choosing a partner is definitely more difficult and serious than choosing a car or a shirt. Hence, how to make sure of your choice of partner?

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Total 5 Pages, Total 43 records