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Burps and Burns - Acidity and what you can do about it

Overall, lifestyle is very important to prevent these symptoms and healthy changes can have immense benefits.

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AIDS - What we all need to know

The truth that stares in our face is that "HIV infection is now common in India, exactly what the prevalence is, is not really known, but it can be stated without any fear of being wrong that infection is widespread. It is spreading rapidly into those segments that society in India does not recognize as being at risk. AIDS is coming out of the closet." 

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Coping with Chronic Illness

We live in a world beset with stress of all kinds, be it from work, relationships, deadlines and even traffic! By virtue of being human we are also susceptible to various illnesses, but dealing with long term or chronic illness is definitely not very easy. People's limits are often stretched and it is easy to lose one's sense of perspective at such times. But there are ways in which we can step back a little and gain a few insights about life and living that only an illness can teach. And there are ways in which we can make it easier for ourselves to navigate through this difficult period, whether you are the one going through the illness or it is your loved one.

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Bipolar Disorder

Emotions are a part and parcel of life. It is not uncommon for most of us to experience emotions of happiness as well as sadness at various times in our lives. For most of us, these episodes of joy and sorrow are relatively short lived, and justified. In other words, we feel them for a short while, and for a specific reason. But this statement doesn't hold true for approximately 0.4% to 2% of the population, who suffer from what is called Bipolar Disorder.

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is an anxiety disorder where a person has recurrent and unwanted thoughts, impulses or images (called obsessions) and an urge or compulsion to do something to relieve the discomfort caused by the obsession. The article takes the help of case studies of people suffering from OCD to help us understand the disorder better.

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A World Of Their Own - What is Schizophrenia?

Do you hear aliens talking to you? Do you think that the red and green traffic lights are signals from space? Do you hear people talking to you constantly when there is no one physically present? This may sound very bizarre to you. But the hard truth is that there are people for whom such thoughts and behaviours are a reality.  

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When Alzheimer's is Setting in

Dementia is a progressive and irreversible impairment of the intellect, the prevalence of which increases with age. The articles throw a light on the detailed account of dementia and how to identify it.

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Battling Anxiety

All of us feel anxious and stressed out from time to time. Situations such as meeting tight deadlines, difficulties with relationships, or even battling traffic often bring about anxious feelings in us. This article helps you understand more about anxiety and its symptoms.

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