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Working Late - What Happens to the Family

"While shiftwork or long working hours are hard on employees, it also affects the whole family. This is especially true for families with young children, and this can lead to communication breakdown and even marital problems. However, these can be overcome with better understanding of the situation and some planning."

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Body Changes in Adolescent Boys

Changes for a boy during puberty are less defined. However, there are signs and changes that we need to prepare our sons for. In this articles we explain the changes to help you as parents to talk about it with your sons.

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Handling Your Teenager

When children reach their teens, it is essential that parents adjust their parenting style to give their child the space she/he needs to become an independent individual along with disciplining them. This article helps you get a better idea of how to strike this balance.

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I Loved You Enough

This is a poem that can strike a chord in the hearts of parents of teens. It describes the sentiments parents experience and can be shared with your teenager to help them understand you as a parent.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 14 records