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Helping Your Child Overcome Shyness

Shyness in children is quite natural but it shouldn't become an impediment in their personality development. Here are some ways in which parents can help their children overcome shyness and develop into confident and balanced individuals.

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Road Rage

When was the last time you saw someone skip a signal, a motorist squeeze his way in front of your car, two people fighting with their cars right in the middle of the road because one person hit the other's car? Or while you were waiting to park your car someone zoomed in and parked as if she didn't see you?

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Looking Back - Looking forward

The end of a year tends to put people in a reflective mood. We look back at how the year has been, and resolve to do some things differently in the coming year. There seems to be a need for embracing the new, and letting go of some of the past. Sometimes we are struck by all the things that went wrong, the mistakes that we have made, and the things that we have done differently.

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Total 2 Pages, Total 13 records