10 Reasons Why your Body Needs Healthy Foods

Nutrition is a vital part of every individual’s lifestyle. Although its knowledge is understood by many it is followed by only a few. Healthy eating forms the core of our existence; without food, we won’t be able to survive and function efficiently. Balanced nutrition is essential yet overlooked so often or even dismissed. We would rather go to a doctor for treatment for a lifestyle-related ailment than visit a dietitian to get advice on how to prevent these diseases through healthy eating. Because, after all, we know it all! How ironic!

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Walking : Stay Motivated

Walking is one of the easiest and convenient ways to be active, to get fit, to lose weight and to be healthier. Studies have shown that walking reduces the risk of heart diseases, diabetes and some cancers.

How to stay motivated?

Set realistic and achievable goals – Personal goals can help you be focused and keep you walking. Keep a time limit to achieve goals.

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An Insight Into the Anti-Stress Vitamin

Vitamin B1 is also called as thiamine and is necessary for normal functioning of the human body. It is a water-soluble vitamin and is known as anti-stress vitamin, as it strengthens body’s immune system and improves ability of the body to withstand stressful conditions. This vitamin is named as B1 as it is the first B vitamin to be discovered. The daily requirement is 1.2 mg for adults.

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Space In A Relationship

Let there be spaces in your togetherness … Love one another, but make not a bond of love … Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone … And stand together yet not too near together; For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.’ – Khalil Gibran.

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Get to know your body and soul - inspirational handwriting on textured paper

The importance of knowing your body composition

The weighing scale can be a friend to some and not so friendly to others! When we weigh ourselves, we may either be thrilled or not so happy with what we see. We sometimes tend to become obsessed with the numbers on the scale. But does that one solitary figure tell you the whole story about what is going on in your body? 

It is important to understand where the overall body weight is coming from. A person with a normal weight on a weighing scale can appear to be healthy on the outside but could have an unhealthy body composition. 

Let us now understand what body composition is

Body composition is the body’s amount of body fat to its fat-free mass. Fat-free mass comprises the bones, muscles, organs and tissue. A higher-than-normal body fat ratio can cause problems like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. In some cases, those with high levels of body fat can also feel more fatigued.  This fat is usually found around the organs. Some fat is needed to provide the following functions- protection and cushioning, energy production and hormone regulation. For men, body fat needs to be 5% and for women the range is up to 12%. Men tend to have a leaner more muscular appearance, while women due to biological make-up, have more fat to sustain pregnancy and childbirth. 

It is important to know the breakdown of one’s weight, this also helps to determine other factors like bone strength, muscle mass and amount of body water present. A body composition weighing scale can help you understand your inner health, so you can make positive changes and monitor them over time. 

Body Fat Percentage: As we have seen, this needs to be in a healthy range specific for men and women. Too much fat can lead to diabetes, obesity, etc. and too little fat on the other hand can lead to osteoporosis, irregular periods and possible infertility. 

Visceral Fat: This fat surrounds the organs and helps protect them. As people age, this fat tends to shift towards the abdominal area. Too much can lead to lifestyle related diseases. 

Muscle Mass: This includes the weight of all the muscles in the body from the smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and the heart (cardiac) muscles. Muscles consume energy and help burn off calories effectively. This increases your Basal Metabolic Rate (calories burnt while at rest). Having more muscle helps reduce your body fat and also gives a more toned appearance to the body since a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat. Strength training builds and strengthens muscle.  

While exercising, your overall weight may be unchanged. This may be discouraging to someone who is trying to lose weight. But the body composition may tell a happier story. It could be because muscle is being built and fat is being lost that body weight remains the same. 

Total Body Water percentage: Is the amount of fluid present in the body. Water helps eliminate waste products and regulates body temperature. Being well hydrated helps boost performance and concentration levels. While being hydrated is important, do not drink high-calorie drinks or those with lots of sugar in them. Go for plain water/ infused water/ fresh unsweetened fruit juice/ tender coconut water or buttermilk as healthier nourishing options. 

For females, the water percentage should be between 45 to 60% 

For males, the water percentage should be between 50 to 65%. 

Bone Mass: This predicts your bone mineral density. Osteoporosis is common at later stages and bone deterioration is a gradual process. Weight-bearing exercises and a calcium-rich diet can prevent this. The bone mass weight varies between males and females and depends on one’s body weight. 

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Basal Metabolic Rate takes into account the calories burnt while at rest. Having a high muscle mass will also increase the BMR. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn. Always aim for a high BMR.  

While we try to stay at a healthy weight and eat balanced meals, rarely do we get an idea as to how things like physical fitness and healthy eating impact our bodies on the inside. The next time you take your weight, get it done on a body composition weighing scale for an accurate picture of how healthy your body actually is. Take steps to move towards healthy ranges for each parameter by consulting your fitness trainer and a qualified nutritionist. 

With inputs from: 

  1. https://www.inbodyusa.com/blogs/inbodyblog/28828609-body-composition-101-the-beginners-guide 
  2. https://www.rockcreekwellness.com/blog/the-importance-of-body-composition-to-your-overall-health/ 
  3. https://blogs.bulknutrients.com.au/the-importance-of-body-composition/ 
  4. http://allaboutmannatech.com/5-reasons-why-body-composition-is-important-for-long-term-health/ 
  5. http://sparcathens.com/why-a-healthy-body-composition-is-important/ 
  6. https://www.livestrong.com/article/409122-how-does-body-mass-affect-the-cardiovascular-system/ 
  7. https://omronhealthcare.com/the-importance-of-a-body-composition-monitor/ 
  8. http://www.healthy.net/Health/Essay/Body_Composition_The_Most_Important_Fitness_Component/369 
  9. http://www.physiquescience.com.au/body-composition 
  10. https://tanita.eu/tanita-academy/understanding-your-measurements 
  11. https://www.verywellfit.com/what-is-body-composition-3495614
  12. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/what-is-body-composition

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    Children’s Emotional Wellbeing: 10 Practical Tips for Parents

    When a person grows up listening to negative thoughts about the self from an early age, then this can have quite an impact on the person. If these issues are not addressed early on, then this constant negative self-talk gets reinforced and can lead to poor emotional wellbeing and struggles later into adulthood.
    Children who are able to understand and manage their emotions have the ability to view things with a positive perspective. This gives them the space to grow cognitively, creatively, and socially. During all of this, the support you provide as a parent is of utmost importance. Looking after their emotional needs is just as important as their cognitive development. Here are some practical tips to support your child emotionally:   
    1.     Pay attention: children can show they’re struggling in several different ways. They may act out and constantly get into trouble or withdraw into their own bubble. This could signal a bigger issue that needs to be tackled. If you’re aware of what’s going on, you’re in a better position to provide emotional support for your child.
    2.     Encourage expression: teach your child how to recognise why they’re feeling certain emotions and how to express those feelings. They may express themselves in the form of a story, drawing, or a diary entry. Be patient and hear them out as this helps them gain self-awareness.
    3.     Put yourself in their shoes: listen to your child and their viewpoints, validate their feelings. This helps them to process the situation better and even allows them to accept a different perspective as they feel understood and accepted.
    4.     It’s okay to not feel okay: it’s important to let your child know that everyone struggles from time to time, it’s a normal part of life. 
    5.     Allow them time to self-reflect: make it a habit where they spend some time thinking through past situations: their actions, behaviours and how to handle similar situations in the future. This can help them understand why they feel a certain way and how to cope with it.
    6.     Be supportive: be available for your child so they understand that you’re always there for them if they need you. Understanding and respecting their feelings strengthens their emotional development. This gives them more space to focus on building their skills, creativity and learning.
    7.     Boost their self-esteem: rather than focusing on times when your child struggles and unintentionally causing them to feel inadequate, emphasise their good qualities and skills they’ve developed. This reinforces their self-worth reducing negative thinking about themselves.
    8.     Resilience: children find it difficult to cope when things don’t go their way. This can result in feelings that are hard for them to deal with. In these situations, it’s helpful to reassure them, validate their feelings and let them know that they’re capable of bouncing back, no matter what situation is thrown at them.  
    9.     Help build relationships: good relationships, whether with family or friends, acts as solid ground for your child to stand on as they’re exploring and learning about the world around them. Our relationships with those around us affect the way we feel, and hence it’s important that children learn how to build relationships and solidify those connections.
    10.  Learning by example: if you’re the type of person that’s closed off and embarrassed or uncomfortable of expressing your feelings, your child is likely to mimic this behaviour. Showing your children that you’re able to express your emotions and cope with them in a positive way will let them know that when faced with adversity, they too can do the same.   

    A little bit of love and care, and empathy and support every single day goes a long way to strengthen the beautiful bond you share with your child. 

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      Relationship Building Hacks

      Having good interpersonal skills and building relationships at the workplace can lead to recognition, success and career satisfaction. No matter what your position is or how good you are at your work, if you can’t network and build relationships, you may not be able to accomplish your work goals. This article talks about ways in which you can build on your interpersonal skills. These techniques and skills are written keeping in mind people across the sociability spectrum. There is no one type of people who these skills pertain to. If you face struggle with networking and want to work on it give these techniques a run through and identify what you want to start implementing.

      1. Remind yourself why. Being able to walk up to a stranger/colleague and have a meaningful conversation isn’t always easy. Reminding yourself about why you want to have a conversation and what the benefits of it would be, might help you to feel courageous and take a step forward.
      2. Pick who you want to talk with. You have probably spent time observing your colleagues. Look at the ones you were interested in. It could be someone who you see as a role-model, mentor, energy giver, good at work, etc. Taking baby steps and talking to one person at a time might help.
      3. Pick what topic you want to talk about. Decide on how you would want to approach a person, greet them and pick topics that you would want to talk about. Preparing for conversations can help and add to you feeling more confident about the interaction.
      4. Listen and ask questions. A good listener actively pays attention to the conversation and responds appropriately with questions. Listening might let the speaker know that you are interested and care. Asking questions can build trust by opening lines of safe communication. Keep questions limited, positive and focused.
      5. Group conversations. Often times it is easier to join conversations that are already ongoing. Contributing relevant information to group conversations may motivate you to talk to some of the group members the next day as well. Being truthful, polite and modest can go a long way.
      6. Be assertive. There may be times that people disagree with you or say things that you don’t agree with. In these situations, being assertive may help. Use “I” statements like “I understand why you think that however I also think that we could do it this way”.
      7. Observe qualities that you like in others. Look at ways in which you could work on those qualities yourself and try to implement them in situations that you think are apt. For instance, if you notice a colleague taking feedback well, and being able to manage a tense situation at work. Look at implementing those management skills in situations that you think is necessary.
      8. Be aware of your non-verbal behaviour. It is one of the most important aspects at a workplace. Being mindful about the way you stand while talking to someone, hygiene, certain mannerisms as well as maintaining eye-contact are things that are noticed by others. So using gestures, varying your vocal pitch, tone and volume, actively listening by nodding, and not interrupting might be beneficial.
      9. Manage boundaries. Managing boundaries can help individuals understand their limits and not cross the line towards being unprofessional.
      10. Stay in touch. Following up with a person and making a consistent effort to have conversation or even greeting the person on a daily basis is an act that can contribute to good networking.  

      These are a few pointers for you to look through and try to implement. Remember that not all interactions will turn out the way that you expect it to. But at least now you know that you can take a step forward and do what you can, that is in your control, in order to build relationships.


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        6 Ways to Be There For Your Support System

        Mohana has been feeling very overwhelmed since the last couple of days. She has recently joined office after her maternity leave. There has been an overload of new information at office and she feels burdened with work and home responsibilities. She explains this situation to her husband and mother who step in to support her with taking care of the baby and arranging for a house help. Her colleagues assist her in learning the new developments at work. One of her team members who is also a good friend to Mohana, helps her in keeping a track of her meals and breaks, while reminding her that Mohana had been very supportive to her when she was feeling distressed in the past. 

        This experience helped Mohana in feeling heard, understood and supported. She has also started to realize the importance of being a good source of support to her support systems. 

        Support systems are what keeps us motivated and going in times of difficulties. These support systems could include our friends, family, colleagues, partners, neighbors or acquaintances. Some of them provide us with emotional support, while other may uplift us in different ways. 

        As we can see from Mohana’s story, her support system was made up of her family, friends, co-workers and house-help. Each of these people provided her with a different kind of support, but were based on a few common components. In a study conducted by Mattson and Hall (2011), being aware of what makes for a stable support system might help us in recognizing more support systems in our environment and strengthen the already existing ones. These components are:

        1)    Interactions- which provide for a sharing and listening space and have a two-way communication have been identified as more satisfying to have.

        2)    Coping- support systems are made up of people who positively encourage us to cope with life’s adversities. These people are often willing to provide for options and solutions if required.

        3)    Esteem- people who continue to positively remind us of our accomplishments, help us to believe in our own worth and potential. They not only support us but also create a space of growth in competence and independence.

        4)    Exchange- not all support systems can provide emotional support, but an outstanding characteristic of support systems is that there is always a state of exchange (for tangible goods, emotions, advices, feedback or affirmation) which exists while we interact and respond to social cues (George Homans, 1961). The extent to which support is given and received within a relationship, defines the strength and fulfillment in it.

        While we have people to support us, it is often healthy to provide them with support when they require. If we want our relationships with friends and family to be ever so refreshing and young, we need to replenish our support systems. Like a land has to be ploughed and tilled for a healthy tree, relationships need care as well. We can learn to be a better source of support to our loved one’s by keeping some points in mind. 

        1)    Listen: as often as it said, listening is truly an art, hard to master. If you want to learn to be a supportive friend, you could start by listening more attentively and carefully. It means actually listening, trying to understand, asking questions to clarify doubts and showing interest in their story. 
        2)    Don’t rush to help:  sometimes all that people want is for someone to hear them out. A witness to our story can often reduce the pain and help us deal with it better. We often want to suggest solutions to help people better but that could be quite counter-productive. 
        3)    Small acts of care: we can show our love and care by small acts of care like cooking, helping with chores, small gifts, flowers, a playlist of favourite songs or a phone call. These seemingly small acts go a long way and make the person feel supported and cared for in their times of difficulty. 
        4)    Physical affection: depending upon our relationship or comfort with the person, different types of touch could be very strengthening for the person in distress. Holding hands, tapping on the back or the shoulders, hugging or kissing could be some of the ways in which we assure another person of our presence in their times of difficulties. 
        5)    Taking up a responsibility: when Mohana’s family offered to help her with the baby and household chores, she felt naturally relaxed. We could also share the load of responsibilities with our family and friends when they need it from us. 
        6)    Standing up for them: it might be important to take sides with your friend and family in an argument with someone else or if you see them being uncomfortable somewhere. It could mean leaving a party early because your parent feels unwell, opposing a crass comment made about your friend at work, or simply checking with them before taking big decisions. 

        The word support system indicates that you are a team. It means being there for people who are there for you, as the pop culture reference goes. Providing care is as much a fulfilling act as is receiving care and affection. We learn and grow by building each other up and it is important to step up for people who step up for us. As the African proverb goes, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.

        Glanz, K., Rimer, B. K., & Viswanath, K. (2008). Social networks and social support. In Health behavior and health education: Theory, research, and practice (4th ed., pp. 189-195). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
        Mattson, M., & Hall, J. G. (2011). Linking health communication with social support. In Health as communication nexus: A service-learning approach (1st ed., pp. 181-187). Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/socialsupport.pdf

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          Formula For A Great Relationship

          A healthy relationship is set on three building blocks: cohesion, flexibility, and communication. Let’s look at how these different building blocks work in conjunction with each other to establish a great relationship.


          Cohesion is characterized by commitment and balance between intimacy and space. Successful relationships including marriage involve both partners’ commitment to the relationship. When partners are committed to investing in their relationship and are willing to sacrifice some of their own preferences for the good of the relationship, they usually have high quality bonding.

          Fun time together is an important ingredient for the creation of cohesion in a relationship.

          Research shows that the amount of fun time spouses spend together is a major factor in the happiness of their marriage. Sharing enjoyable times prevents people from getting bored with their relationships and helps rejuvenate them when they are very busy and preoccupied with other cares and concerns. It does not matter what the activity is, as long as it allows both partners to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Togetherness in a relationship is based on a shared intimacy and identity, while at the same time set boundaries to protect each partner’s autonomy. In other words, partners need to spend time together and have their separate time as well. Partners needs to ensure that they provide the time and space to nurture their respective interests and maintain their own friendships apart from those of the spouse.

          Try not to rely entirely on your partner for your validation and well-being. Nurture your own friendships while allowing the same latitude to your spouse.


          We live in a world that changes quickly. However, some of us are more adaptable than others. It is also recommended for couples to assess their individual and couple flexibility when faced with change. In other words, flexibility is about adapting to the changing circumstances both individually and as a couple. It is about how you as a couple adapt to stressful life transitions and crisis situations like when one partner falls ill or loses his/her job, which call for adjusting to changes in roles and responsibilities in the relationship.

          It also helps to be flexible in the way one receives information from their partner and be willing to try varied ways of doing things. It becomes essential for couples to remain open to the idea that there are multiple ways to resolve a crisis or manage stressful transition.

          As Susanna M. Alexander says in her book Creating Excellent Relationships, “Flexibility is adjusting to life as it happens and embracing changes as needed, while remaining true to one’s core values, beliefs, and appropriate priorities.”


          One of the biggest misconceptions for couples revolves around lack of communication. A lot of couples have an unrealistic expectation that after some time in the relationship, my partner would understand everything about me. Healthy relationships do not stand on this misconception and such couples put a lot of effort in building trust through communication. A couple should take time to talk and exchange information, ideas and day-to-day experiences. If as a couple you hardly have time to communicate with each other, do schedule a regular time, which is acceptable to both of you. It could be just before sleeping at dinner time or as you have your morning tea. You could start by sharing one good thing and one difficult thing about the day.

          Partners can learn to communicate better by developing more effective ways of speaking and listening. The person talking needs to focus on their own feelings and not attempt to read their partner’s mind. Listening forms the core of communication. Too often when we are quiet we are not listening to what the other person is saying but waiting to reply. Listening involves intently trying to understand what the other is saying instead of looking for weakness in your mate’s argument. One must avoid making accusations or criticizing the partner. Instead each partner needs to share words of appreciation and affection that can foster positive communication. Active listening promotes clarity and understanding between the couple.


          As you look at the three building blocks, cohesionflexibility, and communication, ask yourself if they are present and thriving in your personal relationship. Take a proactive stance to make your personal relationship healthy and strong. If you feel that you require assistance or clarification regarding the same, speak with one of our counsellors by calling in at 1800 270 1790 or 080 42756888.

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            Re-energizing Your Relationship

            Whether you’ve been seeing someone for a while, are living with a partner or have been married for a while, you may seek ways to improve your relationship but may not be able to do so actively. With multiple responsibilities and the fast pace of our lives, it’s understandable why your relationship might feature lower on your priority list. Nonetheless, relationships require ongoing care. Maintaining a relationship is not just about staying together with your partner, but it also involves actively working to keep the relationship evolving.   

            Doing routine tasks for your partners, like preparing a meal, choosing to buy groceries, helping with dishes, dropping them at work etc., are important and valuable. However, what’s also important is to be intentional about the effort, attention, and work that one puts into a relationship, i.e., using specific maintenance strategies. Research dedicated to studying the science of relationships indicates that one can apply several methods to improve a relationship that has reached a plateau stage.  

            Here are some signs that indicate the need to use maintenance strategies in a relationship: 

            1. Differences in thinking about a situation have caused one or both partners to express dislike about the relationship.
            2. Particular topics are avoided by one or both partners in the hope to escape an argument.
            3. Positive interactions and experiences in the relationship have declined over time.
            4. Communication tends to be limited to fewer topics that are important and necessary.
            5. Partners primarily engage in hobbies, interests and ‘fun’ activities outside of the relationship.

            If you can relate to any of these signs, you may try the following strategies in your relationship to make it stronger:  


            Giving Assurance  

            Feeling safe, secure, and sure about the future is a basic human need. When partners are given this safety, through verbal assurances of love and commitment, it can help them feel more fulfilled.  

            Tips you can try:  

            • Show verbal affection- Say “I love you” “I miss you”, use special nicknames, and convey how important your partner is to you. 
            • Discuss future events and the commitment you have to make them possible.
            • Reassure your partner of the role you can take in the present and future.
            • Do things actively that show your concern for your partner, for instance, volunteer to do a task for them or gift them a day at the spa after a long work week.  

            Conflict Management  

            Having disagreements and wanting to resolve them is natural. However, when a conflict is handled constructively, relationships benefit from healthy communication, transparency, and a reliable, stable environment that both partners can fall back on.  

            Tips you can try:  

            • In case of a conflict, first, ask yourself why you’re upset; what triggered your negative feelings at the moment. 
            • Discuss one issue at a time.
            • Convey the reason for you being upset by saying, “I feel _____.”. For instance, “I feel neglected when you come back home late”, instead of, “You always do this. You are never home.”  
            • Take turns talking. Take time to listen to your partner when they’re talking, and not just wait to give a ‘good’ response to them. 
            • Take a break from discussing the issue if things get too heated. 
            • Attempt to reach a compromise.
            • Avoid degrading language and yelling. 

            Practising Openness  

            Being able to express one’s opinion freely can help one avoid feeling frustrated and irritable in a relationship. Being open could also encourage one’s partner to be more expressive. This can create a space for both partners to be genuine and sincere with each other.  

            Tips you can try:  

            • Discuss the details of your day with each other.
            • Talk about how you feel about the relationship.  
            • Disclose your fears and your needs to each other. 
            • Encourage each other to express your opinions.  
            • Discuss all the goals that both of you may have.  

            Prioritising Positive Moments  

            Each individual is likely to strive for situations and experiences that seem pleasurable. In other words, when something feels good, one would want to have a lot more of it. Hence, pleasant memories with one’s partner would reinforce the need to spend more time together.   

            Tips you can try  

            • Incorporate both your and your partner’s interests in your weekend plans. It will be something to look forward to. 
            • Find movies, TV shows and games that you both find interesting.
            • Take some time out in the day to be with each other.
            • While spending time with your partner, try not to get distracted by other tasks and responsibilities.   

            Having A Shared Circle of Friends  

            Having common friends can help a couple have more pleasant experiences together. Apart from enjoying one’s partner’s public persona, being able to fall back on a common support system can bring a couple closer.  

            Tips you can try:  

            • Experiment with different friends – try having meals and going to other events together.
            • Plan outings that require more people – a class, a workshop, a picnic or a trek. 
            • Have a quiet evening at home with friends, where you’re able to relax and have a good conversation.  

            Sharing Tasks  

            Partners are likely to feel satisfied when they sense fairness in the relationship. When they feel like both their efforts and benefits are equal, they’re likely to feel more motivated.  

            Tips you can try  

            • Discuss roles and responsibilities and whether they are equitably distributed. 
            • Discuss ‘benefits’ and ‘efforts’ specific to both partners in the relationship, see if there are other expectations that aren’t being met.  
            • In case of days when either partner is ill or tired, try discussing backup plans for specific tasks.  

            Do remember that each relationship’s needs differ based on the life stage of that relationship. Therefore, depending on the stage you are in, you may use any of these strategies to build a thriving relationship with your partner. 

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