10 Effective Ways on How to Influence People to Give Their Best at Work 

how to influence people to give their best at work

Effective Ways on How to Influence People to Give Their Best at Work

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.” – Simon Sinek 

Today, organizations are constantly seeking ways to enhance their performance and achieve their goals and the heart of any successful organization lies in its people. Exploring and learning how to influence people to give their best at work is a critical aspect of achieving organizational success.

A study by Gallup reveals that engaged employees are 21% more productive than their disengaged counterparts, underscoring the importance of effective influence in the workplace.

This article explores the art of influencing people to deliver their utmost at work, examining the meaning of influence, the characteristics of a good influencer, and presenting 10 actionable ways to bring out the best in employees. 

The Meaning of Influencing People 

Influencing people refers to the ability to inspire, guide, and persuade individuals to take certain actions, adopt specific attitudes, or make decisions. It involves leveraging interpersonal skills, communication, and emotional intelligence to create positive impacts on others’ behaviours and thoughts. In the context of the workplace, influencing people involves fostering an environment that motivates employees to perform at their highest potential, contributing to the overall growth of the organization. 

Characteristics of a Good Influencer 

Effective influencers not only know how to influence people but also cultivate certain qualities that enable them to connect with individuals and drive positive change. Here are 5 key characteristics of a good influencer: 

  1. Authenticity: Sincere interactions is primary strengths to influence people. Genuine influencers build trust by aligning their words and actions, fostering credibility that encourages people to follow their lead.  
  2. Empathy: Understanding the emotions and perspectives of others is vital for influencing people effectively. Empathy allows one to tailor their approach to resonate with the needs and concerns of individuals, creating a deeper connection while influencing people to give their best in a situation.  
  3. Listening skills: Active listening is a hallmark of influential individuals. By truly hearing what others have to say, influencers can address concerns, provide relevant solutions and make individuals feel valued.  
  4. Adaptability: Influencers are adaptable to different situations and personalities. The can modify their communication style and strategies to suit various contexts, maximizing their impact.  
  5. Vision: A clear vision and purpose inspire others to follow. Influencers articulate a compelling vision of the future, motivating people to work towards shared goals. 
Characteristics of a Good Influencer

10 Tips on How to Influence People To Give Their Best At Work 

Lead by Example

Actions speak louder than words. When leaders consistently demonstrate a strong work ethic, dedication, and enthusiasm, it sets a benchmark for employees to follow. 

Leading by example is a cornerstone to influence people. When leaders demonstrate dedication, work ethic, and enthusiasm, it creates a ripple effect throughout the organization.

When employees witness their superiors fully engaged and committed to their tasks, it fosters a culture of accountability and encourages others to follow suit. This approach shows that everyone, regardless of their position, is expected to contribute their best effort. 

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Try This:

As a manager, if you consistently arrive early, stay focused during meetings, and exhibit a strong work ethic, your team is likely to emulate your behavior. To emphasize this point, you could share personal stories during team meetings about how your dedication to a project paid off, inspiring your team to follow suit. 

Effective Communication

Clear and open communication fosters transparency and trust. Regularly sharing information, providing feedback, and actively engaging in dialogue with employees create a positive work environment. 

Communication is a linchpin to influence people. Leaders who communicate clearly and openly with their team build trust and transparency. Regular check-ins, feedback sessions, and team meetings provide avenues for employees to voice their opinions, share concerns, and offer suggestions.

Active listening during these interactions conveys that their thoughts and ideas are valued, which in turn motivates them to invest more effort into their work. 

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Try This:

Implement a weekly “open-door” policy where employees can approach you with any questions, concerns, or ideas. This encourages open communication and ensures that employees feel heard and valued. Additionally, conduct regular one-on-one check-ins to provide feedback and listen to their thoughts, demonstrating your commitment to effective communication. 

Recognize and Reward

Acknowledging employees’ efforts and achievements reinforces their commitment. Public recognition and appropriate rewards, whether financial or non-financial, boost morale and encourage consistent performance. 

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and accomplishments is a powerful motivator. Publicly acknowledging achievements, whether through team meetings, company newsletters, or social platforms, not only boosts morale but also sets a benchmark for others to aspire to.

Reward systems, both monetary and non-monetary, further reinforce the idea that dedication and excellence are appreciated and will be duly acknowledged. 

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Try This:

Institute a monthly “Employee of the Month” recognition program. The chosen employee could be featured in the company newsletter, receive a small financial bonus, and have a personalized parking spot for the month. This initiative publicly highlights exceptional performance, motivating others to strive for recognition as well. 

Provide Growth Opportunities:

People are more likely to give their best when they see a path for personal and professional growth. Offering training, skill development, and advancement opportunities signals that the organization invests in their success. 

A key factor in influencing people to give their best is showing them a path to growth. Offering training programs, workshops, and opportunities for skill enhancement and career advancement demonstrates that the organization values their development.

When employees see that their efforts contribute to their personal growth and advancement within the company, they are more likely to invest more energy and creativity into their work. 

Try This:

Launch a mentorship program where seasoned employees mentor newer ones. This provides growth opportunities for both parties involved, as mentors enhance their leadership skills while mentees gain valuable insights. Additionally, offer funding or paid time off for employees to attend workshops or courses relevant to their roles. 

Delegate with Trust

Delegating tasks with trust empowers employees and shows confidence in their abilities. This responsibility can motivate them to prove their capabilities and contribute their best. 

Delegation is not just about assigning tasks; it’s about entrusting employees with responsibilities that showcase their abilities. Empowering individuals with tasks that challenge them and allowing them to take ownership builds a sense of pride and responsibility.

When employees feel trusted and capable, they are more likely to go the extra mile to prove their competence and deliver results. 

Try This:

Assign a significant project to an employee who has shown potential but hasn’t yet had a chance to lead. Provide clear guidelines, and then step back and allow them to take charge. This demonstrates trust in their abilities and encourages them to give their best to prove their competence. 

Set Clear Expectations

Ambiguity can lead to confusion and decreased performance. Clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations provides employees with a roadmap for success. 

Clarity in expectations is essential for influencing employees to excel. When roles, responsibilities, and performance metrics are clearly defined, employees have a roadmap to follow. Ambiguity can lead to confusion and disengagement, whereas explicit clarity paves the way for focused effort and efficient work. 

Try This:

During project kick-off meetings, outline the project’s objectives, milestones, and deadlines. Provide a written document that clarifies each team member’s role and responsibilities. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and understands what’s expected of them. 

Create a Positive Work Environment:

A supportive and inclusive workplace cultivates employee engagement. Encouraging collaboration, providing resources, and addressing concerns contribute to a positive atmosphere. 

The work environment significantly impacts employees’ motivation and performance. Fostering a positive culture through open communication, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging cultivates an atmosphere where people are excited to contribute.

Providing necessary resources, addressing concerns promptly, and promoting work-life balance are all part of creating an environment where employees feel valued and motivated. 

Recommended Read: Elevate Employee Experience – The Key to a Thriving Workforce

Try This:

Organize quarterly team-building events, such as offsite retreats or team lunches. These events promote interaction outside of work tasks, fostering camaraderie and a positive atmosphere. Additionally, encourage employees to personalize their workspaces with plants, artwork, or other elements that contribute to a positive ambience. 

Encourage Ownership

When employees feel a sense of ownership over their work, they become more invested in its outcomes. Encourage them to take pride in their contributions and take the initiative to drive projects forward. 

When employees feel a sense of ownership over their tasks and projects, they are more likely to invest emotionally in the outcome.

Encouraging them to take the lead, make decisions, and contribute ideas fosters a culture of innovation and accountability. This sense of ownership translates into a desire to deliver their best to achieve successful outcomes. 

Try This:

When assigning a group project, allow the team to collectively decide on the project’s direction and strategy. This empowers them to take ownership and make decisions collaboratively. Regularly check in to discuss progress and provide guidance as needed. 

Foster Team Spirit

Building strong team dynamics encourages mutual support and collaboration. To influence people and teams, one can organize team-building activities and promote a sense of camaraderie among employees. 

Collaboration and teamwork are essential components of any workplace. Leaders who foster a sense of unity and cooperation within their teams create an environment where employees support one another

Organizing team-building activities, encouraging knowledge sharing, and recognizing collective achievements strengthen the team’s bond and inspire members to contribute their best efforts for the team’s success. 

Try This:

Implement a monthly “Success Sharing” session where teams showcase their achievements and challenges they’ve overcome. This encourages knowledge sharing and celebrates collective successes, motivating teams to collaborate and achieve even more. 

Show Genuine Care

People-centric influence involves showing genuine concern for employees’ well-being. Inquiring about their work-life balance, health, and challenges demonstrates that their holistic welfare matters. 

Influencing people to give their best involves a holistic approach that considers their well-being. Leaders who genuinely care about employees’ personal and professional growth, work-life balance, and overall happiness create a supportive environment. Regular check-ins to inquire about their welfare, providing assistance when needed, and showing empathy during challenging times demonstrate that employees are valued not just for their contributions but as individuals

Try This:

On employees’ work anniversaries, take the time to personally congratulate and thank them for their contributions. Additionally, during performance reviews, inquire about their career aspirations and well-being, showing that their growth and happiness matter to you beyond just their work performance. 

Books On How To Influence People  

  1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini 
  2. How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie 
  3. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink 
  4. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t” by Simon Sinek 
  5. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck 

Videos to Watch On How To Influencer People 

  1. How Great Leaders Inspire Action” by Simon Sinek – Renowned for his insights on leadership and purpose-driven work, Sinek emphasizes the importance of inspiring action by focusing on ‘why’ rather than ‘what’ or ‘how’. 
  2. The Puzzle of Motivation” by Daniel H. Pink – Pink’s research on motivation, autonomy, and purpose has reshaped the way organizations approach employee engagement and performance. 
  3. The Power of Vulnerability” by Brené Brown – An expert on vulnerability and empathy, Brown’s work highlights how creating a culture of psychological safety and connection can lead to better performance. 


Influencing people to give their best at work is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a combination of authenticity, empathy, communication, and strategic actions. Effective influencers lead by example, communicate openly, and create an environment that fosters growth and collaboration. By recognizing the unique needs of employees and valuing their contributions, influencers can tap into their intrinsic motivation, resulting in enhanced performance and overall organizational success.  

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