Energise Your Marriage

It’s time we look at rejuvenating and strengthening our relationships with our spouses. A few aspects which assist in making our marriage more fun, exciting and meaningful have been explained in the article below.

#Develop a Strong and Healthy Relationship with your Partner


A couple should take time to talk and exchange information, ideas and day-to-day experiences.

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Space In A Relationship

Let there be spaces in your togetherness … Love one another, but make not a bond of love … Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone … And stand together yet not too near together; For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.’ – Khalil Gibran.

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The right formula for a healthy work life balance

Image Source: Freepik

Life is a delicate juggling act, with work and personal life pulling us in different directions. It’s no wonder that achieving a healthy work life balance has become a top priority for many individuals. But what exactly does work-life balance mean? In simple terms, it refers to the equilibrium between one’s professional commitments and personal life. It is about finding harmony and fulfilment in both aspects, ensuring that neither one overshadows the other.

Work-life balance is not a mere buzzword; it is a prevalent issue affecting individuals across the globe. According to a survey conducted by the Mental Health Foundation, 40% of employees feel stressed due to a poor work-life balance. The study further revealed that 42% of individuals found it challenging to switch off from work during their leisure time. These statistics highlight the need for individuals to prioritize their well-being and take active steps towards achieving a healthy balance.

Why Is Work Life Balance Important?

Work-life balance is essential for several reasons. 

  • It allows individuals to recharge and rejuvenate, ensuring they have the energy and motivation to perform well in their professional and personal lives. 
  • It promotes better mental health by reducing stress levels and preventing burnout.
  • A healthy work-life balance fosters stronger relationships, as individuals have the time and energy to invest in their loved ones. Lastly, it enhances overall life satisfaction, as individuals find fulfilment in both their careers and personal pursuits.

How to Achieve the Balance

Achieving a healthy balance requires a conscious effort and a commitment to self-care. Here are some key strategies that can help individuals master the art of work-life balance:

  1. Set Priorities: Identify your core values and priorities in life. Determine what truly matters to you and allocate time and energy accordingly.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Set clear boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific working hours and stick to them. Avoid checking emails or taking work calls during your leisure time.
  3. Delegate and Say No: Learn to delegate tasks and responsibilities at work and in your personal life. Recognize that it is okay to say no when you feel overwhelmed or unable to take on additional commitments.
  4. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as exercising, practising mindfulness, or pursuing hobbies.
  5. Maintain Healthy Habits: Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nourishing meals, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical health is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  6. Time Management: Efficiently manage your time by prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and avoiding procrastination. Use productivity tools and techniques to stay organized and focused.
  7. Unplug and Disconnect: Take regular breaks from technology and digital devices. Disconnecting from work-related notifications and social media can help create space for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  8. Communication is Key: Communicate openly with your employer, colleagues, and family members about your commitments and boundaries. Effective communication can help set expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  9. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support from your loved ones or professional resources. Reach out to friends, family, or a mentor for guidance and encouragement. Consider utilizing employee assistance programs like 1to1help, which provide valuable resources and support for achieving a healthy work-life balance.
  10. Scheduled Breaks and Vacations: Schedule regular breaks and vacations throughout the year. Taking time away from work allows for relaxation, rejuvenation, and the opportunity to explore new experiences.
  11. Flexible Work Arrangements: Explore opportunities for flexible work hours, remote work, or compressed work weeks. These arrangements can provide greater flexibility and freedom to manage personal commitments.
  12. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, both big and small. Regularly reflect on your accomplishments to cultivate a sense of fulfilment and motivation.

Work-Life Balance for Remote Workers

Remote work has become increasingly prevalent, and with it comes its unique set of challenges and opportunities for achieving work-life balance. Here are some specific strategies for remote workers:

  1. Designate a Workspace: Create a dedicated workspace at home that is separate from your personal living area. This helps establish boundaries between work and personal life.
  2. Establish a Routine: Set a consistent work schedule to maintain structure and routine. Having a clear start and end time helps maintain work-life boundaries.
  3. Take Regular Breaks: Incorporate regular breaks into your workday. Step away from your workspace, stretch, or engage in activities that provide mental and physical respite.
  4. Maintain Social Connections: Actively seek opportunities to connect with colleagues and friends, even virtually. Join online communities or schedule virtual coffee breaks to foster a sense of connection and combat isolation.

Mastering the art of balancing work and personal life is a continuous journey that requires self-reflection, prioritization, and conscious effort. By understanding the importance of work-life balance, implementing effective strategies, and seeking support when needed, individuals can empower themselves to lead fulfilling lives. Remember, achieving work-life balance is not a luxury; it is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being. Prioritize yourself, your relationships, and your passions, and you will find that a balanced life is within your reach.

Empower yourself and improve your well-being with 1to1help, India’s leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider. Discover the support and resources available to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance. Visit 1to1help today

How to deal with a breakup? Expert Tips

Image Source: Freepik

Suddenly you find out that you are no longer a couple. All the things that you used to do, the places you used to go to, your social life, and even your plans for the future were associated with your former partner. Just getting back to daily life may seem almost impossible. So then, how does one deal with a breakup?

Understanding Your Feelings

Breakups can be incredibly difficult to navigate. Whether you were the one who initiated the split or you were blindsided by the news, it’s important to take the time to understand and process your feelings. This will allow you to heal and move forward in a healthy way.

When you have ‘lost’ a partner, you feel almost as if someone has died – you actually go through an experience that is very similar to bereavement. Feelings of intense anger alternate with longing for your former partner. There is also probably deep hurt and a feeling of betrayal, especially if there is another person on the scene. Some people even feel disgusted with themselves.

There is no ”right” way to feel. Your feelings, as unwelcome as they sometimes are, are part of yourself. They are something to accept and deal with.

Often people around you just don’t understand what you are experiencing. They may say things like “You’re much better off without him/her”, “After all there are other fish in the sea”, and “How long are you going to mope around?” Although they are trying to be helpful, you may be left feeling that no one understands what you are going through.

During a breakup, it’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions. You may feel sadness, anger, confusion, or even relief. It’s important to acknowledge and accept these emotions, rather than trying to suppress or ignore them. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up, and remember that it’s okay to grieve the loss of the relationship. 

While those around you fail to grasp your experiences, it is natural to feel a sense of confusion. During such moments, several questions may arise in your mind.

How long will all this take?

There is no way of knowing how long a person will take to get over the intense feelings associated with breaking up. With some people it takes weeks, for others it may be months or even years. It depends on the length and nature of the relationship, the way the relationship ended and the kind of person you are. Be patient with yourself and try to learn the difference between giving yourself time for recuperation and reflection and becoming stuck in a pattern that doesn’t allow for growth.

Where do I go from here?

You may feel pressure from others or even from within yourself to get on with life and put the past behind you as soon as possible. However before you can completely close this chapter of your life you need to sort out your thoughts and feelings, acknowledge them and learn from them. By identifying what went wrong in the relationship, what your part in it was and how you’d like things to be different in the future, you can better ensure that you won’t find yourself in the same situation in future relationships.

Stages of a Breakup

Going through the stages of a breakup is a normal part of healing after a relationship ends. These stages include denial (not accepting the breakup), anger (feeling mad or upset), bargaining (trying to negotiate to get the relationship back), depression (feeling sad or down), and acceptance (coming to terms with the breakup and moving on). Everyone experiences these stages differently, and it’s okay to feel a mix of emotions. It takes time to heal, and it’s important to be patient with yourself as you go through these stages. 

  1. In the denial stage, you may find yourself unable to accept that the relationship is truly over. You may cling to hope that things will work out, even if the evidence suggests otherwise. This stage can be characterized by feelings of shock, disbelief, and numbness.
  2. Anger is a common emotion in the aftermath of a breakup. You may feel betrayed, hurt, or resentful towards your ex-partner. It’s important to express your anger in healthy ways, such as through exercise or talking to a therapist. Holding onto anger can hinder your healing process.
  3. Bargaining is a stage where you may try to negotiate or make deals with your ex in an attempt to salvage the relationship. This can be a vulnerable and desperate time, but it’s important to remember that you cannot force someone to love you or stay with you. Accepting this reality is an essential step in moving forward.
  4. Depression is when you may feel deep sadness, loneliness, and a lack of motivation. It’s important to reach out for support during this stage, whether that be from friends, family, or a therapist. Remember that it’s okay to ask for help.
  5. Finally, acceptance is the stage where you begin to come to terms with the end of the relationship. You may still have moments of sadness or longing, but overall, you are able to move forward with your life. This stage is characterized by a sense of peace and a renewed focus on your own well-being.

How to Deal With a Breakup

How to deal with a breakup? Healing from a breakup is not a linear process. It involves ups and downs, good days and bad days. Be patient with yourself as you navigate through the fluctuations, understanding that it takes time to heal and everyone’s journey is unique. Allow yourself the space to grieve, heal, and grow at your own pace.

  • One of the most important steps you can take is to focus on self-care. This means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. Taking care of yourself will help you build resilience and cope with the emotions that arise.
  • Another helpful step is to create a support system. Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist who can provide a listening ear and offer support. Surrounding yourself with people who care about you can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide a sense of belonging.
  • In addition to self-care and support, it’s important to set boundaries with your ex. This may mean limiting contact or unfollowing them on social media. Seeing constant reminders of your past relationship can hinder your healing process. Give yourself the space you need to heal and move forward.

What Not to Do After a Breakup

In addition to knowing what steps to take, it’s also important to know what not to do during a breakup. These behaviours can hinder your healing process and prolong your pain.

  • Firstly, avoid isolating yourself. While it’s natural to want some alone time, isolating yourself for long periods can lead to increased feelings of sadness and loneliness. Make an effort to reach out to loved ones and engage in social activities, even if it feels challenging.
  • Secondly, avoid using unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as alcohol or drugs, to numb your pain. While these substances may provide temporary relief, they can ultimately hinder your healing process and lead to additional problems. Instead, seek healthy coping mechanisms such as exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist.
  • Lastly, avoid rushing into a new relationship. While it may be tempting to seek validation or distraction from the pain of the breakup, entering into a new relationship too soon can prevent you from fully healing and learning from your past experiences. Take the time you need to focus on yourself before pursuing a new romantic connection.

Focusing on Long-Term Recovery

While short-term steps are important, it’s also crucial to focus on long-term recovery. This means taking steps to heal and grow from the breakup, rather than getting stuck in a cycle of pain and resentment.

  • One helpful strategy is to engage in activities that promote self-discovery and personal growth. This could include trying new hobbies, taking up a new sport, or pursuing a passion you’ve always had. Exploring new interests and expanding your horizons can help you build a sense of identity outside of the relationship.
  • Additionally, it can be helpful to reflect on the lessons you’ve learned from the breakup. What patterns or behaviours contributed to the end of the relationship? What do you want to do differently in future relationships? Taking time to reflect and learn from your experiences can help prevent similar issues in the future.
  • Forgiveness is a key component of long-term recovery. This doesn’t mean forgetting or condoning what happened, but rather, letting go of the anger and resentment that may be holding you back. Forgiveness is a process, and it may take time. Be gentle with yourself as you work towards forgiving both others and yourself for any perceived shortcomings or mistakes. Remember that everyone is human and deserves compassion, including yourself

Get help

You may feel like withdrawing from people altogether at this time but it really helps to share your feelings. Talk to a trusted friend or family member. It may also help to put your feelings in writing.

Counselling can help you get some perspective on this rapidly changing and confusing time. This can be especially helpful when you get the feeling that your friends are fed up with the subject of your break-up! The goal would be not just to get through this bad patch, but also to rebuild a new life.

Be patient with yourself

You can’t avoid the pain, but you will get over it – eventually. Meanwhile, treat yourself gently and give yourself time to recover. Spend time with people in whose company you feel comfortable. Eat well and exercise.

Gradually you will find that your negative feelings will start to fade and you will be able to start afresh. 

Till then – hang in there!

1to1help is India’s leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider with a reputation for quality with integrity. We support organizations to improve employee well-being, through a variety of programmes. Visit 1to1help.net to learn more about how we can help you and your organization.

11 Tips for a Newly Married Couple

Image Source: Freepik

Marriage, they say, transforms your perspective on life. You grow as a person and maybe discover aspects of yourself that you didn’t know existed! As a newly married couple, the first few years of marriage often lays the foundation for a lifelong partnership, clichéd as it may sound. It is a time of tremendous adjustment and tempering expectations. Even if you have known your partner for many years it is still a different ball game when you are living with the person. You may experience mixed emotions like excitement, apprehension, surprise, joy, disillusionment, confusion and sometimes frustration.

Each person’s experience is different as we are complex beings. While there is no manual to navigate the sometimes choppy waters of marriage, knowing what to expect certainly helps. 

Tips every newly married couple should know 

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind during the first few years of marriage.

Accepting and Embracing Differences

After the buzz of romance and roses wears off, newlyweds often find that reality sets in rather quickly! They realize that there is a big chasm between getting married and being married. Differences that seemed trivial before marriage now take on different proportions. It could be sleeping habits, dietary preferences, the movies that you watch or the music that appeals to you. While courting you may be more accommodating but things may change when you live together. Talk amicably about your differences and make the effort to accommodate each other’s interests.

Embrace the diversity within your marriage and appreciate the unique qualities that your partner brings to the relationship. Celebrate each other’s strengths and support each other in areas where growth is needed. Remember that it’s the combination of your individual differences that makes your marriage strong and enriching. By accepting and embracing each other’s differences, you create a safe and nurturing environment for personal growth and the flourishing of your newly married relationship.

Balancing Individuality in a Marriage

While it’s natural to become deeply intertwined in each other’s lives after marriage, it’s important to maintain a sense of individuality. Balancing individuality within marriage allows both partners to continue growing as individuals and brings unique perspectives and experiences to the relationship. Embrace and celebrate each other’s interests, hobbies, and passions, even if they differ from your own.

Encourage each other to pursue personal goals and give each other the space and support needed to thrive as individuals. Remember that you were attracted to each other’s individuality before marriage, and that should not change. By nurturing your own identities and interests, you will bring more fulfilment and happiness to your newly married relationship, ultimately strengthening the bond between you and your spouse.

Building a Relationship with In-laws

The first year of marriage is a defining moment for building a solid relationship with your in-laws. In the Indian context, it is a crucial bond to maintain. Parents are concerned and anxious about their children’s well-being and this may translate into constant interaction which can sometimes border on interference. Differences often crop up because of disruptive patterns of communication with the in-laws. Things can be smooth if both partners discuss about how much parental engagement is acceptable and accordingly set their boundaries with their respective parents. It is difficult to deal with a third person in the marriage even if it is from well-meaning parents. At the same time showing love, respect and appreciation for the parents is very important.

Setting Expectations

It is very important to be clear about each of your roles in running the household. As a newly married couple, if both partners have clearly defined roles with regard to sharing chores, paying bills and financial planning, then there are fewer chances of clashes. Don’t allow the first flush of idealism blind you to practical matters of daily living. A fair distribution of responsibilities will make both partners feel validated and not become resentful of taking on more than their share.

Be realistic in your expectations and understand that compromise and flexibility are key to any successful marriage. Remember that your expectations may evolve over time, and it’s important to revisit them periodically to ensure they align with the growth and changes in your relationship. By setting clear expectations and maintaining open lines of communication, you can create a healthy and harmonious married life based on trust, respect, and shared values.

Discussing Mutual Goals & Values

Share your perspective on career goals and money matters with your partner. Money is one of the major causes of differences between couples. This is where values come into play. If each partner has a different philosophy toward money management then it is a recipe for disaster. So try and sort out differences right at the beginning so that it doesn’t create a rift. It is also a good idea to discuss core values about religious beliefs as this also is a sensitive matter. While one partner may decide that spending on religious functions is necessary, the other may think it is a waste of money. Lay out all your cards on the table and have a healthy debate rather than viewing it as an insurmountable issue.

By aligning your expectations, goals, and values, you can work together as a team towards a future that is fulfilling for both of you. Remember that these conversations are ongoing and may evolve over time, so make it a habit to regularly check in with each other to ensure that you are still on the same page. By discussing and understanding each other’s expectations, goals, and values, you build a strong foundation for a marriage that is rooted in shared dreams and aspirations.

Choosing Happiness over Being Right

Marriage is not about winning arguments or proving who is right; it’s about choosing happiness and harmony over being right. In the heat of an argument, it’s easy to get caught up in being right and lose sight of the bigger picture. Instead, focus on finding common ground and seeking resolutions that prioritize the well-being and happiness of both partners.

Striking a balance between what you think is right and what your partner thinks, is going to be crucial to keep the peace. Things are rarely black and white, so swimming in the grey is an essential part of a happy marriage! Don’t allow egos to get in the way of reaching an amicable agreement. Sometimes choosing to be happy over being right may be a better option. You don’t have to agree with everything that your partner feels but you can certainly respect their opinion without being disagreeable.

Giving Each Other Space

While spending quality time together is important, it’s equally important to give each other space and time for individual pursuits. Allowing each other to pursue hobbies, friendships, and personal interests outside of the marriage can bring a sense of fulfilment and personal growth to both partners.

As a newly married couple, you will probably be invited everywhere together. While it is great to spend time together, it is also equally important to give each other space. Take time to be with your own set of friends so that you are not in each other’s pockets all the time. Some amount of time apart is necessary to keep the spark alive.

Respect each other’s need for solitude and personal time, and encourage each other to pursue activities that bring joy and fulfilment. By giving each other space, you not only nurture your individual identities but also strengthen your bond by fostering a sense of independence and mutual support in your newly married relationship.


Communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, and it becomes even more crucial in a newly married relationship. As newlyweds, you may still be getting to know each other on a deeper level, and effective communication can help you bridge any gaps. Take the time to truly listen to each other and express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly. Remember that communication is a two-way street, so be mindful of not only speaking your mind but also actively listening to your partner’s perspective.

Learning to Deal with Conflicts in a Newly Married Relationship

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, and learning to deal with it effectively is vital for the growth and well-being of your newly married relationship. Instead of avoiding conflict or letting it escalate, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Approach conflicts with empathy, active listening, and a willingness to find a resolution that works for both of you.

When conflicts arise, strive to understand each other’s perspective without judgment or defensiveness. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and avoid blaming or criticizing each other. Focus on finding a compromise or solution that addresses both partners’ needs. Remember that conflicts are not a reflection of your love for each other; rather, they are an opportunity to strengthen your bond by finding common ground and learning from each other’s perspectives.

Carving Out Time for Each Other

As life gets busier with work, household responsibilities, and other commitments, it’s easy to let quality time with your spouse take a backseat. However, it’s essential to prioritize and carve out dedicated time for each other in your busy life. Whether it’s a weekly date night, a weekend getaway, or simply a few moments of uninterrupted conversation each day, these intentional moments of togetherness can strengthen the bond between you and keep the romance alive.

Make a conscious effort to create a balance between your individual responsibilities and the time you spend together as a couple. Remember that the little things count, so even small gestures like cooking a meal together, going for a walk, or watching a movie together can go a long way in nurturing your connection as a newly married couple. By prioritizing quality time and making it a non-negotiable part of your routine, you will create lasting memories and build a solid foundation for your married life.

Keeping the Romance Alive

The most important factor is keeping alive the romance element. Sometimes daily life tends to occupy our attention completely and romance might take a back seat. So plan that candle-lit dinner or a movie followed by a long drive to take away the drudgery of daily life. Showing each other how much you care is a key ingredient of a happy partnership.

Marriage is a work in progress and yes it needs a lot of work! There will be times when you wonder whether you made the right decision and this happens to all of us. As long as you keep fine-tuning your expectations and accept each other without being intent on changing the other, you are on the road to a long, beautiful and nurturing marriage….truly made in heaven!

Remember that marriage requires continuous effort, understanding, and love. Embrace the joys and challenges that come with being a newly married couple, and cherish the precious moments you share together.

1to1help is India’s leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider with a reputation for quality with integrity. We support organizations to improve employee well-being, through a variety of programmes. Visit 1to1help.net to learn more about how we can help you and your organization.

Am I In Love? 20 Signs It’s Love

Image Source: Freepik

Love, the universal language that transcends borders and cultures, has been a topic of fascination for centuries. It is an emotion that has the power to bring people together, to heal wounds, and to create profound connections. But don’t you find yourself asking a simple yet complex question – “Am I in Love?” So, how do you know if what you’re feeling is truly love? In this article, we will explore the signs that indicate you’re head over heels in love and help you understand the language of love.

What is Love? Exploring the Meaning and Significance

Love is a complex emotion that is difficult to define. It encompasses a wide range of feelings, from affection and attraction to a deep sense of attachment. It is not just a fleeting emotion, but rather a deep and lasting connection that stands the test of time. It is an unconditional acceptance of someone, flaws and all, and a willingness to support and care for them through thick and thin. It brings joy, happiness, and a sense of fulfilment to our lives.

Differentiating Love, Crush, and Infatuation

Before we delve into the signs, it’s important to differentiate between love, crush, and infatuation. 

  • A crush is often characterized by intense admiration and attraction towards someone, but it may not necessarily be rooted in a deep emotional connection. 
  • Infatuation, on the other hand, is a short-lived and intense passion for someone, often based on idealized perceptions. 
  • Love, however, goes beyond infatuation and crushes. It is a profound and lasting emotion that encompasses care, respect, and a deep sense of connection.

How to Know if You’re in Love: Signs That Confirm Your Feelings

Now that we have a basic understanding of love, let’s explore the signs that confirm you’re head over heels for someone. These signs can vary from person to person, but they often include a deep sense of happiness and contentment when you’re with the person you love. You may find yourself constantly thinking about them, wanting to make them happy, and prioritizing their needs above your own. It is often accompanied by a sense of comfort and security, as well as a strong desire to build a future together.

20 Heartfelt Signs That You’re Head Over Heels in Love

  1. You can’t stop thinking about them, even when you’re apart.
  2. Their happiness is a top priority for you.
  3. You feel a deep sense of contentment and peace when you’re with them.
  4. You can be your true, authentic self around them.
  5. You feel a strong desire to support and care for them.
  6. Their successes and achievements bring you genuine joy.
  7. You’re willing to make sacrifices for their happiness.
  8. You can envision a future together and make plans accordingly.
  9. You feel a sense of excitement and anticipation when you see them.
  10. You trust and respect them completely.
  11. You feel a deep emotional connection and understanding.
  12. You find comfort and solace in their presence.
  13. You’re willing to compromise and work through conflicts together.
  14. You feel a sense of pride in their accomplishments.
  15. You genuinely enjoy spending time with them, even in silence.
  16. You’re physically attracted to them and desire intimacy.
  17. You’re willing to forgive and let go of past mistakes.
  18. You feel a sense of security and stability in the relationship.
  19. You’re willing to grow and evolve together.
  20. You can’t imagine your life without them.

The Science of Love: Psychological and Biological Factors

Love is not just an abstract concept; it has a scientific basis as well. Psychologically, love is associated with the release of neurochemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, which create feelings of happiness, pleasure, and attachment. Biologically, it activates areas of the brain associated with reward and motivation, as well as the release of stress-reducing hormones. Understanding the science behind it can help us appreciate its power and significance in our lives.

Ways to Show Your Affection and Care

Love is not just a feeling; it is also something that needs to be expressed. There are countless ways to show your affection and care for someone. It can be as simple as saying “I love you” or as grand as planning a surprise romantic getaway. Small gestures, such as leaving a sweet note or cooking their favourite meal, can go a long way in strengthening your bond. The key is to find the love language that resonates with your partner and make an effort to consistently show your appreciation.

Building a Strong and Lasting Relationship

Love is not static; it requires nurturing and effort to grow and flourish. Building a strong and lasting relationship takes time, patience, and a willingness to work through challenges together. Communication, trust, and mutual respect are the foundation of a healthy relationship. It’s important to make time for each other, prioritize each other’s needs, and create a safe space for open and honest communication. Remember that it is a journey, and it’s the little everyday moments that build the foundation of a lasting relationship.

Understanding How People Give and Receive Love

Love languages, popularized by Gary Chapman, are different ways in which people give and receive love. Understanding your partner’s love language can greatly enhance your relationship. The five love languages are – words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. By expressing in a way that resonates with your partner’s love language, you can create a deeper sense of connection and fulfilment. It’s important to communicate and learn each other’s love languages to ensure that your love is felt and appreciated.

Coping with Unreturned Feelings

Unfortunately, not all love stories have a happy ending. Sometimes, we find ourselves in a situation where ours is unrequited. It can be a painful and challenging experience, but it’s important to remember that you are not defined by someone else’s feelings or actions. Allow yourself to grieve, lean on your support system, and focus on healing and self-growth. Remember that love will find its way to you, and in the meantime, cherish the love you have for yourself.

Seeking Professional Help: When to Consider Couples Therapy

Relationships have their ups and downs, and sometimes seeking professional help can be beneficial. Couples therapy provides a safe and supportive environment to explore and address the challenges in your relationship. A trained therapist can help you improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen your bond. It’s important to remember that seeking therapy is not a sign of weakness, but rather a proactive step towards creating a healthier and happier relationship.


Love is a beautiful and transformative emotion that has the power to bring immense happiness and fulfilment into our lives. By understanding the signs of being head over heels, nurturing our relationships, and expressing love in meaningful ways, we can create deep and lasting connections. Remember to prioritize self-care, communicate openly, and seek professional help when needed. Embrace this beautiful language, and may it lead you to a lifetime of happiness and joy.

1to1help is India’s leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider with a reputation for quality with integrity. We support organizations to improve employee well-being, through a variety of programmes.

Formula for a Happy Marriage

Image Source: Freepik

“A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences” – Dave Meurer 

The excitement of the wedding and the honeymoon is over; it is now time to get down to the nitty-gritty of married life. If you are equipped with the right tools at this stage to handle the expectations, disappointments and responsibilities of living with a person who you discover is not always the doting partner, then you are well on the road to making it last the long mile! In this article, we will discover the formula for a happy marriage.

Rules to Follow for a happy marriage

Those who have had a successful marriage seem to follow a few rules. Let’s see what they are: 

Realistic expectations 

Most of us enter matrimony with a rosy ‘happily ever after’ label which is amply fed by hoopla from media and movies. Unrealistic expectations are one of the major reasons for marriages to fail. We expect our partner to meet all our needs – from taking care of us, raising our children, helping us in our career and housework, being caring and considerate – in fact, being the perfect mate! No wonder most fail at this impossible task! 

Very often when our partner does not live up to our expectations we tend to throw in the towel and call it quits. Instead of expecting perfection, remember that your spouse is as human as you. So, make allowances for human frailties and give them the benefit of the doubt. 


The real formula for a happy marriage is to make plans to stick it out through the tough times and be there for the long haul. Going into a marriage with an exit policy is never a great idea. If you are committed to your partner and the relationship, you will always find a solution to the problems that are inevitable between two people living together. A rough patch is not the end of the road for a relationship. There will be highs and lows like in everything else in life. Just ride the storm and soon the shore will be in sight; you just need some patience and endurance. 

Accepting differences 

Why do we expect our partner to fit into our framework of what a spouse should be like? When two siblings brought up with similar upbringing by the same parents are so different, why do we expect two people brought up in different families to be alike? 

Learning to embrace our differences instead of trying to change the other will go a long way in creating a great marriage. Trying to change the other person instead of accepting them as they are is folly. After all, you loved and married them for who they are, so why would you want to change them after marriage? 

Preserve your own identity 

The formula for a happy marriage is to make sure that you are independent and maintain your own friendships apart from those of your spouse. If you don’t share similar hobbies or interests, then allow each other space to pursue the things that they enjoy. Learn to appreciate each other’s interests. Try not to rely entirely on your partner for your validation and well-being. Nurture your own friendships while allowing the same attitude to your spouse. It is important for both of you not to lose your own identity and to be yourself. 


Listening to each other’s emotions is the key to building a healthy communication pattern between partners. Try to understand what your partner is feeling and saying. It is not a good idea to have an argument when you are tired or feeling very emotional. Sometimes it is better to take time out, reflect and then resolve issues instead of jumping headlong into a fight. Use ‘I’ statements instead of accusatory ‘you’ statements. After all, both of you are on the same side! There are no winners or losers here. 

Domestic Agreements 

While the daily chores of who will cook dinner, help children with homework or do laundry might seem very prosaic and unimportant, be assured that these very things will lead to battles royale! Distribute labour equally so that there are no resentments and work out an equitable schedule of chores. 

Talk about parenting styles before you have children, for each of you has been brought up in different ways and you may not exactly agree on all things when it comes to bringing up your own child. We all have our own ideas of values, beliefs and traditions, so you and your partner have to arrive at some sort of understanding before the actual task of parenting begins. 

Nurturing Intimacy and Emotional Connection

Nurturing intimacy and emotional connection might be one of the most important components of the formula for a happy marriage. Building a happy marriage goes beyond sharing chores and responsibilities—it’s about fostering intimacy and emotional connection. Here are some tips to keep that spark alive:

  • Make quality time a priority: Life gets busy, but don’t let it overshadow your relationship. Set aside special moments for just the two of you. Whether it’s a cosy movie night, a spontaneous adventure, or even a simple walk in the park, cherish these moments together.
  • Share your deepest thoughts and feelings: True intimacy comes from opening up to each other emotionally. Listen actively and show genuine interest when your partner shares their joys, worries, and dreams. Create a space where both of you can be vulnerable and support each other through thick and thin.
  • Show love and appreciation: Little gestures can go a long way in showing your love. Leave sweet notes, surprise your partner with their favourite treat, or give them a warm hug for no reason at all. Let them know that they are cherished and valued.
  • Explore common interests: Find activities that you both enjoy and make time for them. Whether it’s cooking together, exploring new hobbies, or going on adventures, shared experiences bring you closer and create lasting memories.
  • Let go of grudges and forgive: In any relationship, conflicts are bound to happen. Learn to forgive and let go of past hurts. Holding onto grudges only weighs you down. Instead, focus on finding solutions and growing together.
  • Keep the romance alive: Don’t let the romance fade away after the honeymoon phase. Surprise each other with small acts of love, plan romantic dates, and keep the spark alive. Remember the things that made you fall in love and continue nurturing those feelings.

A happy marriage is an ongoing journey that requires effort and commitment from both partners. By nurturing emotional intimacy and connection, you’ll create a strong foundation for a fulfilling and lifelong partnership. 

What to Do Once Things Go Wrong

No marriage is immune to challenges and problems. When things go wrong, it is important to remember that it is not the end of the world. Instead of dwelling on the negative, focus on finding solutions and working through the difficulties together. 

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, and learning to deal with it effectively is vital for the growth and well-being of your newly married relationship. Instead of avoiding conflict or letting it escalate, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and understanding. Approach conflicts with empathy, active listening, and a willingness to find a resolution that works for both of you.

When conflicts arise, strive to understand each other’s perspective without judgement or defensiveness. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and avoid blaming or criticizing each other. Focus on finding a compromise or solution that addresses both partners’ needs. Remember that conflicts are not a reflection of your love for each other; rather, they are an opportunity to strengthen your bond by finding common ground and learning from each other’s perspectives.

In conclusion, a happy marriage is not a result of chance or luck. It is a conscious choice to invest in the variables that matter the most. By prioritizing these variables and continuously working on the relationship, couples can build a strong and fulfilling partnership. And this is the formula for a happy marriage.

1to1help is India’s leading Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service provider with a reputation for quality with integrity. We support organizations to improve employee well-being, through a variety of programmes.

Signs It Is Time to Let Go of Your Relationship

Image Source: Freepik

Tushar started dating His best friend from college but soon realized that she was increasingly curt and insulting towards him and his family. She would never have time to meet him or even talk to him over the phone, she would never listen when he talked about work pressures and worse, she wasn’t even there for him when he met with an accident and was hospitalized. She ridiculed his every act and choice, even making fun of the fact that he didn’t have enough facial hair.

In all this, he never received an apology, but Tushar continued to forgive her every hurtful word and action, hoping that in time she would realize her mistakes and acknowledge his love. Even when he found out that she had been cheating on him with his close friend, he was willing to forgive her if she promised not to repeat it.

Some relationships are not made in heaven and certainly not meant to last “till death do us apart”. If one believes they are in such a relationship, it might be better to pull the plug now rather than regret it later. Of course, like most things in life, it is easier said than done – there are several reasons why people stick on in impossible relationships, perhaps hoping for a miracle that would make things better, much like Tushar.

Not all relationships are meant to last forever. Sometimes, we find ourselves in troubled relationships that are no longer healthy or fulfilling. It can be difficult to recognize when it’s time to let go, as our emotions often cloud our judgment. 

Understanding when a relationship is no longer healthy

Recognizing when a relationship has become unhealthy is the first step towards healing and growth. It is important to remember that every relationship goes through rough patches, but if the negative aspects outweigh the positive ones, it may be time to reassess the situation. When communication breaks down, trust is lost, and emotional or physical abuse becomes prevalent, it is clear that the relationship is no longer serving its purpose.

One key indicator of an unhealthy relationship is a constant feeling of unhappiness or dissatisfaction. If you find yourself always feeling drained, unhappy, or unfulfilled in your relationship, it may be a sign that it is time to let go. It is important to prioritize your own well-being and mental health above all else. Remember, you deserve to be in a relationship that brings you joy and fulfilment.

Why is it hard to let go?

Call it fool’s paradise or eternal optimism some people are always ‘hoping’ that things will get better. Others believe that the ‘power of their love’ can change their ‘partner’ and yet others feel that love means forgiving one’s partner no matter how many times they err.

Another common fear is- facing friends and family, who know about the relationship and would ask questions or gossip. In popular media, the hero or heroine often takes the decision of calling off the relationship at the altar, but not many real-life people find it easy to take such a decision.

If someone has shared ‘physical intimacy’ with the partner; it also becomes another reason for one to feel compelled to stay in the relationship no matter what.

“Haven’t you heard of a known enemy being better than an unknown angel?” Sometimes this makes people stick by horribly abusive partners because the ‘risk of being alone’ feels scarier. Another related fear is not finding anyone better and settling for less than they deserve in a relationship. However, it’s important to remember that everyone deserves to be in a healthy and respectful relationship.

What would happen if you stay on?

Holding on to a relationship which has gone sour can actually make it worse with increasing dissatisfaction, leading to sadness and despair.

This results in a cycle that only gets progressively more negative- with every turn, the partners get more and more entangled in a web of accusations and blame and ultimately neither knows where the issue began. Unresolved conflicts, over a period of time, have a nasty habit of not only accumulating, and festering until it explodes like a volcano leaving anger, frustration, pain and grief in its wake. Perhaps it is time to let go of your relationship before you get trapped in a downward spiral.

How to decide it is time to let go?

How does one decide whether the relationship is beyond repair? How does one determine whether the fights and disagreements are not normal and will not stop in time? 

One must establish whether the relationship still has something positive that can be salvaged or if it is time to part ways. In order to identify “Signs of Unhealthy Relationships” It would help to follow some or all of the following steps:

  1. Write it down: Write down the reasons you think the relationship will work and the reasons you want to break it up. Also, write down what is likely to happen if you don’t. Writing most often gives the clarity that thinking doesn’t and seeing the facts in black and white is often enough to make a person think more realistically.
  2. Speak to a trusted person: Friends and family have the ability to observe things objectively, which can provide valuable information and guidance for one’s future. Speak to someone who can be trusted not to divulge the details to all and sundry and someone who cares for you to have your best interests at heart.
  3. Speak to a Counsellor: Counsellors can give you an objective picture that might be elusive to a friend or family member. Friends might be too protective or biased in their perception, but a counsellor can help you realistically evaluate the chances of success for your relationship.

Signs that it may be time to let go of your relationship

  • Lack of trust and respect

Trust and respect are the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you find that you no longer trust or respect your partner, it may be a sign that the relationship has run its course. Trust can be broken in many ways, such as infidelity or constant lying. Similarly, if your partner consistently disrespects your boundaries, feelings, or values, it may be time to consider letting go.

  • Constant arguments and conflicts

While disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, constant arguments and conflicts can be emotionally draining and detrimental to your well-being. If you find that you and your partner are constantly fighting without resolving the underlying issues, it may be a sign that the relationship is no longer healthy. Healthy relationships involve open communication, compromise, and the ability to resolve conflicts respectfully.

  • Loss of connection and intimacy

Intimacy is an important aspect of any romantic relationship. If you find that you and your partner have lost the emotional or physical connection that once brought you together, it may be a sign that the relationship has reached its expiration date. It is important, to be honest with yourself and your partner about your needs and desires. If those needs are consistently unmet, it may be time to let go and seek a relationship where you can find the love and intimacy you deserve.

One might decide to try and change some aspects of the relationship to make it more fulfilling, or one may even decide to leave the sinking ship.

If you decide to give the relationship another chance, it might be a good idea to keep a time frame in mind. Decide how long you would try to change things and what you would do if you do not see results. It might also be necessary to speak to your partner about expectations from the relationship and involve him /her in making changes.

On the other hand, if you decide to call off the relationship, here are strategies to help you cope with the aftermath.

Coping with the aftermath of ending a relationship

Ending a relationship can be a difficult and painful process. It is normal to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, and confusion. Here are some strategies to help you cope with the aftermath of ending a relationship:

  • Allow yourself to grieve

Ending a relationship involves a loss, and it is important to allow yourself to grieve that loss. Permit yourself to feel the pain and sadness, and don’t try to suppress your emotions. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide comfort and understanding during this challenging time.

  • Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is crucial during the healing process. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax. This could include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies that make you happy. Remember to prioritize self-care and give yourself the love and attention you deserve.

  • Focus on self-improvement

Use this time of healing to focus on self-improvement. Take up new hobbies, learn new skills, or pursue personal goals that you may have neglected during the relationship. Investing in yourself will not only boost your self-esteem but also make you more attractive to potential partners who share your interests and values.

  • Seek professional help if needed

If you find that you are struggling to cope with the aftermath of ending a relationship, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or counsellor can provide guidance and support as you navigate through the healing process. They can help you gain clarity and perspective, and provide tools to help you move forward healthily and positively.

Letting go of a troubled relationship can be a difficult and painful process, but it is often necessary for our growth and well-being. Remember that you deserve to be in a relationship that brings you happiness, love, and fulfilment. Seek professional help if needed. As you rebuild and move forward, embrace the lessons learned and the growth that has occurred. The future holds endless possibilities, and by letting go of what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to a world of new opportunities and happiness.

A Guide to Live in Relationships

Image Source: Freepik

In today’s modern society, relationships have evolved and expanded beyond traditional norms. One such relationship that has gained popularity is the live-in relationship. But what exactly does it mean to be in live in relationships?

A live-in relationship is an arrangement where two individuals choose to live together without being married. It is a form of cohabitation where partners share a domestic life and live together as a couple. This arrangement allows couples to experience a deeper level of commitment and intimacy without the legal binding of marriage.

What is the Meaning of a Live-In Relationship?

A live-in relationship is built on the foundations of love, trust, and companionship. It is a conscious choice made by two individuals to share their lives and responsibilities, without the societal pressures and expectations that come with marriage. In a live-in relationship, partners have the freedom to define their own rules and boundaries, creating a unique dynamic that works best for them.

Unlike marriage, a live-in relationship does not carry the same legal obligations and rights. However, it does offer a sense of emotional and financial security to the individuals involved. It allows them to test their compatibility, learn about each other’s habits and quirks, and determine if they are ready to take the next step towards a more committed relationship or marriage.

Legal Provisions for the Protection of Women in a Live In Relationship in India

In India, the concept of live-in relationships has gained recognition in recent years. The legal system has also acknowledged and addressed the concerns of women who choose to be in such relationships. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, provides protection and legal recourse to women in live-in relationships.

Under this act, a woman in a live-in relationship is entitled to the same rights and protections as a married woman. She can seek legal remedies if she faces any form of physical, emotional, or financial abuse from her partner. The act ensures that women are not left vulnerable and have legal provisions to safeguard their well-being in a live-in relationship.

Legal Provisions for the Protection of Children Born in a Live In Relationship in India

Children born out of live-in relationships are also protected under Indian law. The Supreme Court of India has recognized that children born to unmarried parents have the same rights as children born within a marriage. The status of the parents’ relationship does not affect the rights and privileges of the child.

The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956, grants children born out of live-in relationships the right to inherit property from their parents. The child is also entitled to financial support and maintenance from both parents, regardless of their marital status. These legal provisions ensure that children born in live-in relationships are not discriminated against and are provided with a secure and nurturing environment.

Pros of Live In Relationships

Freedom and Independence

One of the significant advantages of a live-in relationship is the freedom and independence it offers. Partners can maintain their individuality and pursue personal goals while sharing their lives with each other. The absence of legal commitments allows them to explore their own interests and hobbies without feeling tied down.

Compatibility Testing

Living together before marriage provides an opportunity for couples to test their compatibility and understand each other’s habits. It helps in building a stronger foundation for a future together and reduces the risk of entering into a marriage that may not work out in the long run.

Financial Benefits

Sharing living expenses can be a significant advantage of a live-in relationship. Couples can save money on rent, utilities, and other household expenses, allowing them to allocate their resources towards other goals such as travel, investments, or personal growth.

Cons of Live In Relationships

Lack of Legal Protection

The absence of legal recognition and protection is one of the main drawbacks of a live-in relationship. In case of a breakup or dispute, partners may face difficulties in dividing assets or seeking financial support. This can lead to emotional and financial turmoil if the relationship does not work out.

Social Stigma

Despite the increasing acceptance of live-in relationships, there is still a social stigma attached to it in many societies. Couples may face judgment and disapproval from family, friends, and society, which can put a strain on the relationship.


Unlike marriage, a live-in relationship does not provide a clear roadmap for the future. Partners may feel uncertain about the long-term commitment and stability of the relationship, which can create anxiety and doubts.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Live In Relationship

Before entering into a live-in relationship, it is essential to consider certain factors that can contribute to its success:

Open Communication

Effective communication is the key to any successful relationship. Partners should have open and honest conversations about their expectations, boundaries, and long-term goals. It is crucial to be on the same page and address any concerns or fears before moving in together.


While a live-in relationship may not carry the same level of commitment as marriage, it still requires a certain level of dedication and commitment from both partners. It is essential to ensure that both individuals are ready for the responsibilities and challenges that come with living together.

Respect and Equality

Mutual respect and equality are the foundation of a healthy relationship. Partners should treat each other with kindness, empathy, and understanding. It is vital to create a safe and nurturing environment where both individuals feel valued and appreciated.

Tips for Successfully Navigating a Live In Relationship

Set Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial in a live-in relationship. Discuss and define personal space, privacy, and individual needs. Respect each other’s boundaries and ensure that both partners feel comfortable and secure within the shared living arrangement.

Share Responsibilities

Sharing household chores and responsibilities is essential to maintain a harmonious and balanced relationship. Create a system that works for both partners and ensures fairness and equality in the division of tasks.

Maintain Independence

While living together, it is essential to maintain a sense of individuality and independence. Pursue personal interests, spend time with friends and family, and encourage each other’s growth and development.

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Live In Relationships

It leads to a lack of commitment

Contrary to popular belief, a live-in relationship does not necessarily indicate a lack of commitment. Many couples in live-in relationships are deeply committed to each other and view it as a stepping stone towards a more permanent commitment.

It is a stepping stone to marriage

While some couples may choose to get married after living together, it is not the ultimate goal or purpose of a live-in relationship. Many couples prefer the freedom and flexibility that comes with cohabitation and do not feel the need for a legal commitment.

It is only for the young

Live-in relationships are not limited to a specific age group. Individuals of all ages can choose to live together without getting married. It is a personal choice based on individual preferences and circumstances.


Choosing a live-in relationship is a personal decision that should be based on open communication, mutual respect, and a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages. It offers couples a unique opportunity to test their compatibility, build a deeper connection, and experience the joys and challenges of living together. While it may not be the right choice for everyone, for those who are willing to embrace the uncertainties and complexities, a live-in relationship can be a fulfilling and enriching experience.

So, if you are considering a live-in relationship, take the time to evaluate your expectations, communicate openly with your partner, and ensure that you are both ready for the journey ahead. Remember, every relationship is unique, and it is up to you to define what love means to you.

If you or someone you know is facing challenges in a relationship, 1to1help is here to support you. We offer a range of programs to help improve employee well-being and provide guidance for navigating the complexities of relationships. Reach out to us today for professional assistance and support. Visit www.1to1help.net